So what does it mean, when ...

Smart all Pharma is going to get hit hard due to pricing at the gov level. Get out of all pharma stocks. Also this will be the beginning of more mergers on the pharma side of the business. With the expense of new products coming out only the biggest and best pharma companies will survive. Lilly will not be one of those elite they will be at the end of the Hyphen in 2 years. Survivors will be GSK, MRK, PFYZ, J&J, with a very few others. Big time price restrictions will be here soon. Lilly’s lost tooo much talent Old and experienced talent over the past 4 years to be Elite. Watch how Alex A changes things, it will start with Pharma commercials.

it means the Russians are coming and she wants her money out before the take over. Everything especially the market. Also did anyone get the notice from 401 K not paying enough out and now class action suit on JP Morgan.