folks within the company knew the dosing frequency was not optimal but chose to ignore it through their own arrogance. People within the company make stupid mistakes (studies were underpowered, dosing frequency, safety issues) yet are protected at the expense of the company, and investors.
Classic good ole boy network. What is the new pipeline? Organ regeneration? Going to rely on internal talent? Time we found a new job....
Hey, as long as I can get in my daily run, Whole Foods grocery shopping and the usual 2 hour afternoon workout, then I'm good with our current stability.
The poster for 11-24 was right.. what is the company going to do about all the generic's coming into the market.. We need another drug and to make sure we don't get kicked off MC plans... MC always wants you to try the generic first! NPS is no better than here.. big pharma, little pay and arrogant micro managers... Aegerion is setting themselves up to be bought and have not tried to hide that fact--may not last more than 2 yrs tops....
Not much out there.. if the company has a plan, maybe.....