So, no monthly bonus after all


Heard that the decision has been made that, contrary to the offer letter, bonus will be paid quarterly. That is a problem, because I am fairly sure that most people, before accepting the position, included the monthly bonus in their decision whether to accept the position at all. This is a $500/month hit for reps on the 3 day/week schedule.

Plus, you know they won't even issue the payout until they verify and tabulate all the calls for a quarter, and who knows how long that will take.
That stinks! How did you get this info??? Our team has heard nothing... Please share any other pertinent info. There are so many unanswered questions that should have been answered by now.
Yes, it is being paid quarterly because your reach and frequency goal is for the quarter, not for each month. But, if the offer letter said it was a $500 per month bonus you will be paid $1500 for the quarter. At least this is what I was told by management.
Yes, it is being paid quarterly because your reach and frequency goal is for the quarter, not for each month. But, if the offer letter said it was a $500 per month bonus you will be paid $1500 for the quarter. At least this is what I was told by management.

Yes, but they could pro-rate it somehow, and make partial monthly payouts, then true it up at the end of the quarter. They shouldn't have put it in the offer letters if they were not going to honor it.
My offer letter said $416 monthly bonus. Is that different than others? A monthly bonus is exactly that. MONTHLY! I was just going to go through the training, get paid for that then quit. Maybe even get a free ipad out of it. OOOPS, someone stole it!
My give a shit took a walk as soon as I found out they were not going to pay us our monthly bonus that we have in writing in our offer letters.

This job just became a sample dump only.

Anyone else look at their paycheck today? We didn't get paid for that 2 1/2 hour WebEx we were required to sit on last Friday. Guess that one was supposed to be out of the goodness of our hearts. just bought the minimum from me, and maybe not even that. This company sucks.
I 'm on another contract with OnCall. They did the same "bait and switch" on us. What was written on our contract was not honored. I dont think its the client companies doing this; its OnCall shorting us. We really should get an labor attorney to look into this!
I 'm on another contract with OnCall. They did the same "bait and switch" on us. What was written on our contract was not honored. I dont think its the client companies doing this; its OnCall shorting us. We really should get an labor attorney to look into this!

I agree, but who is going to nut up enough to get organized and bring a suit against this company because it needs to be done. It's going to take more than one of us. Most of these people here are just happy to have any money. Folks I would rather push a broom than put up with this. I'm a 15 year industry vet and this is no life any longer, and am going to get out of this soon, but this company is violating the law on so many parts.

This company and their tactics are the like the by products of the south end of a north bound donkey!
OnCall better get ready. The Lawyers are coming and they couldn't believe their eyes! Breach of Contract. It's a slam dunk and the money could get big, because a legal action for breach of contract arises when at least one party’s performance does not live up to the terms of the contract and causes the other party to suffer economic damage or other types of measurable injury.
Hundreds of contracts were sent out and signed.
I'm in on the class action! Maybe I will consult an employment atty on my end. This is degrading. They will get what they pay for. What do managers say when asked by the reps?
Love this gig and company. Making fake signatures everyother week while leaving samples with receptionists. I can't believe they pay people money to do this. Got to go. I have my other part time pharmaceutical gig I have to go "hit the field" with or hit the golf tees and make sigs inbetween iron shots.
I don't believe there is anything misleading. It is perspective and entitlement.

How does one expect a bonus on performance when you just started the program?

Let's see, training for 3 weeks then in the field. Gee, fork over the bonus.

I believe OnCall will pay the bonuses due. I think it is unrealistic to think that a bonus is paid automatically....let's see, how long have you been in the pharma industry?

Part-time/flex-time, I think the gig is legit.

What I don't like is the expectations thrown on us after we sign up...territory changes, etc.

Starbucks? Show's your motivation ...get paid for standing around.
You guys crack me up!! I have worked for OnCall thru 5 contracts. AND THIS IS WHAT THIS IS A CONTRACT ppl. If you got "mislead" GO somewhere else..... If you are a 15 year VETERAN big deal... why are you working here if you are....... This is the easiest job you will ever have... Why do you feel like you are entitled to something for "working" for big pharma for 15 years.