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So most of it WAS Bush's fault

Just as we have always known, conservaturds let their greed get the better of them all the time, and then they always like to shift the blame.
Does their greed cause their ignorance and stupidity? You betcha !!!!

Oh, I love you and you make me so proud to be a libtard. You are so good at reducing a whole list of names into one really bad 4 letter word: BUSH.

You were so analytical the way you consolidated the names of Geithner, Clinton, Paulson, Bernanke, Greenspan and boil them down to that 4 letter word.

It was especially crafty how you draw no notice to the statement "...Democrats also come under fire. The 2000 decision to shield over-the-counter derivatives from regulation, made during the last year of President Bill Clinton’s time in office is called “a key turning point in the march toward the financial crisis.” Just the sound of the word derivatives sounds sooooo Republican.

Great post!

Oh, I love you and you make me so proud to be a libtard. You are so good at reducing a whole list of names into one really bad 4 letter word: BUSH.

You were so analytical the way you consolidated the names of Geithner, Clinton, Paulson, Bernanke, Greenspan and boil them down to that 4 letter word.

It was especially crafty how you draw no notice to the statement "...Democrats also come under fire. The 2000 decision to shield over-the-counter derivatives from regulation, made during the last year of President Bill Clinton’s time in office is called “a key turning point in the march toward the financial crisis.” Just the sound of the word derivatives sounds sooooo Republican.

Great post!

ILAssbadger strikes again. What a putz you are.

without all his 'partners' helping him in here hes pretty lost the little fucker!
eh, hes trying. i give him credit for trying:D:D

It is funny to watch their little 'boycott'. Like lemmings, all the ConClowns cut and ran after CRH got banned . . . Proof that the rightwingers here are just a bunch of followers and can't think for themselves.

It has been a grim week for the ConClowns and things aren't looking much better going forward . . .


It is funny to watch their little 'boycott'. Like lemmings, all the ConClowns cut and ran after CRH got banned . . . Proof that the rightwingers here are just a bunch of followers and can't think for themselves.

It has been a grim week for the ConClowns and things aren't looking much better going forward . . .


clearly more than a few of em r still here rating the threads! lmao u just know theyre learning from us!