The reason these prior aquisitions did not end well is not because of Indy lab. It is because these local aquired labs offered non compliant "perks" to their clients that Lab Corp could not continue, like rent for IOP space or Pap collection devices. No, I do not work in or for Indy Lab. But I am familiar with these aquisitions. They were also not total failures. Labcorp retained some nice business, plus labcorp gained some valuable employees in these aquisitions. Any time you acquire a local lab you run into this. Labcorp must not mind because they continue to buy local labs. You have no idea how disruptive aquisitions are to the lab branch involved, so keep your Indy lab bashing to yourself. Any one who knows anything about aquisitions knows what you say is BS. Those people in Indy Lab worked their tales off.

The reason these prior aquisitions did not end well is not because of Indy lab. It is because these local aquired labs offered non compliant "perks" to their clients that Lab Corp could not continue, like rent for IOP space or Pap collection devices. No, I do not work in or for Indy Lab. But I am familiar with these aquisitions. They were also not total failures. Labcorp retained some nice business, plus labcorp gained some valuable employees in these aquisitions. Any time you acquire a local lab you run into this. Labcorp must not mind because they continue to buy local labs. You have no idea how disruptive aquisitions are to the lab branch involved, so keep your Indy lab bashing to yourself. Any one who knows anything about aquisitions knows what you say is BS. Those people in Indy Lab worked their tails off.....

ALL lab acquisitions from coast to coast deal with rent, PAP collection devices and other crazy perks small labs offer their clients. These aren't Indianapolis-specific obstacles. Other regions don't have as difficult of a time holding on to the business as Indy, and we all face the very same challenges. Furthermore, for someone who doesn't work in Indy, there sure was a nerve hit!

So, how's that acquisition going Indy? LOL!

I won't be afraid to admit we suck. For every person trying to do their job and "busting their tail" to make things happen, there are three incompetent idiots who totally ruin it for all of us. Management here doesn't have the gonads to make any of the necessary changes and are about as motivated as a 700lb man running a marathon. I'd happily take a RIF, but think smug management should be the first to go. I will never understand what the he11 they are so proud of.