how about some more #momboss, typecoach bullshit you fucking little red headed asshole!
Give this guy a break. He's collateral damage in this mess. His big mistake was hitching his wagon to Perry and Kathy. Maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get invited to the next company they decide to fuck about some more #momboss, typecoach bullshit you fucking little red headed asshole!
Give this guy a break. He's collateral damage in this mess. His big mistake was hitching his wagon to Perry and Kathy. Maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get invited to the next company they decide to fuck up.
He's inconsequential, a nobody, a fly on a stack of dog shit!
Agreed, always felt bad for the guy. It was always him trying to sell Mark and Perry’s IC plan, you could see Kevin hated it as much as we did. It was always Mark and Perry, they have always been in control making the terrible decisions. Kevin was a puppet, he was asked to sell an inferior product to his clients; sound familiar? Ahh fuck it, who gives a shit because I just realized I no longer care about any of this anymore.
No excuses for Kevin or any of them. The leadership at Shire may go down as the worst in pharma history. You like giving a pass for being "a dumb little puppet". If he had any balls at all he would have stuck up for his sales force once or twice. Instead of paying these contract reps over $100,000 to sell vyvanse and myfayis for no reason, he would have increased our bonuses. That whole decision was all smoke and mirrors to make us look like we had more work than we could handle. Our leaders are Crooks
Give this guy a break. He's collateral damage in this mess. His big mistake was hitching his wagon to Perry and Kathy. Maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get invited to the next company they decide to fuck up.
He's inconsequential, a nobody, a fly on a stack of dog shit!
No excuses for Kevin or any of them. The leadership at Shire may go down as the worst in pharma history. You like giving a pass for being "a dumb little puppet". If he had any balls at all he would have stuck up for his sales force once or twice. Instead of paying these contract reps over $100,000 to sell vyvanse and myfayis for no reason, he would have increased our bonuses. That whole decision was all smoke and mirrors to make us look like we had more work than we could handle. Our leaders are Crooks
Grow up and start looking for your next job @ Jimmy Johns!how about some more #momboss, typecoach bullshit you fucking little red headed asshole!
Grow up and start looking for your next job @ Jimmy Johns!
KC is an idiot. Way in over his head.
HO Finance, Manufacturing, Legal, Marketing, Product Logistics, Market Research, etc.,etc., will be able to find numerous jobs across all types of industries! You pharma reps are going extinct like the dinosaurs! You put Shire in a bad position by your lazy performance. Too bad to be you!This is hilarious to the sales team. Enjoy searching out a job, that you can commute to, that doesn’t have 1000 people capable of doing your cubicle job. Go Takeda!