So is Solstas keeping the name, or are they now Quest?


If Solstas is going to take the Quest name, maybe this train wreck Solstas forum should be hauled off the tracks...won't the Quest people love it when all this vitriol shows up on their forum?

If Solstas is going to take the Quest name, maybe this train wreck Solstas forum should be hauled off the tracks...won't the Quest people love it when all this vitriol shows up on their forum?

Initially, it will be presented as "Solstas, a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics". Then you will see the logo's side by side. Within a year it will be straight up Quest.

The name won't matter. Solstas customers will feel the effects pretty quickly with the way they've cobbled our books of business together and carved up territories. There will be a continuous series of changes going forward for Solstas clients - reps changing, couriers changing, phlebotomy management and protocols, Care360 replacing CareEvolve, billing, testing sites, customer service, etc.

Everything will be done the Quest way within 1 year. I've heard this directly from someone on the Implementation Team. She was very detailed in what she shared with me. There's a lot of concern of it getting ugly.

Too bad. When we merged with Spectrum to become Solstas, it was a very equitable event. I get the feeling this is more of a "hostile" takeover.

A part of the 6 Sigma culture. Everything has to fit into the formula and existing infrastructure. Little room for creative thinking much less creative actions. Everyone is on a short leash awaiting approval from the next level. This whole deal is an exercise of making Solstas fit into the Quest square hole.

Too bad. When we merged with Spectrum to become Solstas, it was a very equitable event. I get the feeling this is more of a "hostile" takeover.

Quest is a 7 BILLION dollar company. Solstas was a 300 million dollar company. This is not a merger regardless of what DW, GH, CC and the rest of the cronies are trying to tell you. Quest simply bought another company 1/25th their size.

Quest is the largest lab in the world. Do you think they don't have a formula on how to run things that they think works?

You may not think it works but they think it works and they will replicate it.

Quest is Operations driven and run like a manufacturing facility. You will do things the Quest way!

Quest is a 7 BILLION dollar company. Solstas was a 300 million dollar company. This is not a merger regardless of what DW, GH, CC and the rest of the cronies are trying to tell you. Quest simply bought another company 1/25th their size.

Quest is the largest lab in the world. Do you think they don't have a formula on how to run things that they think works?

You may not think it works but they think it works and they will replicate it.

Quest is Operations driven and run like a manufacturing facility. You will do things the Quest way!

Food for Thought:

Quest is 25 times larger than Solstas.

Quest has 10 times the employees of Solstas.

Quests service area fully overlays every area served by Solstas.

Think there will be massive staff reductions?

Half of all PSC 's in the overlay will be closed?

Multiple testing sites will be closed?

Layers of management will be combined?

Do ya think?

To those of you who refuse to own your performance, these dire predictions can indeed seem ominous. However, my team of superstars and I have already made a measurable, significant impact on our great new organization. Wall Street certainly agrees.

You naysayers, non-believers, and non-achievers can take your defeatist attitudes next door and work at APAC (500 new customer service position through July) while the superstars continue to add value at every turn, creating a winning atmosphere for ourselves, our customers, and our stakeholders.

To those of you who refuse to own your performance, these dire predictions can indeed seem ominous. However, my team of superstars and I have already made a measurable, significant impact on our great new organization. Wall Street certainly agrees.

You naysayers, non-believers, and non-achievers can take your defeatist attitudes next door and work at APAC (500 new customer service position through July) while the superstars continue to add value at every turn, creating a winning atmosphere for ourselves, our customers, and our stakeholders.

Wall Street must think Quest taking over soldass has made a greater measurable, significant impact on labcorps great organization. Labcorps performance outshines Quest in EVERY measurement on Wall Street.

Wall Street must think Quest taking over soldass has made a greater measurable, significant impact on labcorps great organization. Labcorps performance outshines Quest in EVERY measurement on Wall Street.

Labcorp is badly overpriced... P/E 16.20 versus a much more attractive 10.80 for our great new we pay a neat 1.32 dividend...

So your assertion that LH outshines DGX in "EVERY" measurement on Wall Street is dead wrong, and it speaks volumes about why you are in the predicament you're in.

Good luck at Burger King, Whopper Boy.

Labcorp is badly overpriced... P/E 16.20 versus a much more attractive 10.80 for our great new we pay a neat 1.32 dividend...

So your assertion that LH outshines DGX in "EVERY" measurement on Wall Street is dead wrong, and it speaks volumes about why you are in the predicament you're in.

Good luck at Burger King, Whopper Boy.

16.20 P/E speaks volumes about the confidence the investment community has in the strength of LabCorps' future and direction.

And why shouldn't they have confidence with the number of contracts that Labcorp has taken from Quest recently. Quest is too highly leveraged. Way too much debt.

Nobody cares anymore about Solstas or Quest. It's over! Spectrum/Solstas had a very good run and as investors do, they sold the company.

It is time to move on. There is no reason to hate each other anymore. If you are not happy with Quest, move along. They will not miss you or even care. Big Box Labs are like that, each of you are an expense line and a ledger sheet.

No matter how long you have been here or the industry, you stump your toe a few months and you will be on a P.I.P.

Look at the big picture and focus on providing for your family. Life is just too short.

By the time Quest gets done jamming together a mish-mash of territories, shifting reps, shifting testing, consolidating billing and everything else to Solstas accounts - the word Solstas will be so synonomous with Quest that customers won't be able to differentiate.

Solstas is dead. Quest has NO desire to learn from you. If you still believe that then you're just too dillusional to figure it out or accept reality.

Wake up, comrades! It's over!

By the time Quest gets done jamming together a mish-mash of territories, shifting reps, shifting testing, consolidating billing and everything else to Solstas accounts - the word Solstas will be so synonomous with Quest that customers won't be able to differentiate.

Solstas is dead. Quest has NO desire to learn from you. If you still believe that then you're just too dillusional to figure it out or accept reality.

Wake up, comrades! It's over!

Solstas is history! Quest bought Solstas to expand their footprint in the SE (LCAs back door). Former Solstas accounts are now Quest accounts. End of story.

We have picked up to major deals that took them 2 years.. Thanks Quest.

Just remember this ...If you take too much of the Q's business they will buy your company as well. So you're back to where you started...or maybe you will be a LC drone. Face the facts the days of the smaller labs are numbered. No different than any other part of the medical world. Big fish eat smaller fish.

Just remember this ...If you take too much of the Q's business they will buy your company as well. So you're back to where you started...or maybe you will be a LC drone. Face the facts the days of the smaller labs are numbered. No different than any other part of the medical world. Big fish eat smaller fish.

Yeah, but I'll get PAID on the business I'm taking in the process. It's all about the here and now. Cha-Ching!!!

Anybody who thinks they can control the future are idiots. Anybody who fails to capitalize on the present is an even bigger idiot!

Yeah, but I'll get PAID on the business I'm taking in the process. It's all about the here and now. Cha-Ching!!!

Anybody who thinks they can control the future are idiots. Anybody who fails to capitalize on the present is an even bigger idiot!

Amen. And this is what separates the smart ones from the idiots.