So I guess all existing employees will get large retention bonuses and LTI


Since they gave massive sign-on bonuses, raises, and LTI stock to all their buddies they rehired and expect everyone to keep up with this deception, everyone else will get this as well surely.


Since they gave massive sign-on bonuses, raises, and LTI stock to all their buddies they rehired and expect everyone to keep up with this deception, everyone else will get this as well surely.

We should! The right people didn't get crap. Don't they realize that they have created a disgusting culture in which no one wants to work here. Every decision they ever make is the wrong one.

‘Trust me, they could care less how you feel about working here! You are a number and nothing more!

Yeah, they have made that abundantly clear! It’s hard to pick the most glaring example. Prerecorded message for a layoff? Giving a million in cash to the managers to keep their jobs after giving us shit bonuses the prior 2 quarters and refusing to vest LTI for those laid off? Not bothering to have a call with us until a week after the NCD? It’s so hard to choose.

They never should have offered those bonuses after they let people go and screwed them out of LTI etc. Disgusting. And now those people have a bonus and title for a job they will never do. Good luck explaining that "experience" on an interview. o_O

They never should have offered those bonuses after they let people go and screwed them out of LTI etc. Disgusting. And now those people have a bonus and title for a job they will never do. Good luck explaining that "experience" on an interview. o_O

he sad thing is they will lie through it. They only needed the title. When they do a background check, it simply confirms the title. Sad but true. In this industry many many morons somehow advance. I mean, look at the morons they hired back!