Just wondering if anyone has anyone has any ideas as to how and when they will go down?
I'm sure we'll have a better idea after Business Brief being held tomorrow. Key words: "we have to make difficult decisions" - layoffs always follow after those words!
20% - adios!
20% - adios!
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"combined with deliberate cost control measures across all areas of the company as we continue to create a more effective and efficient operating model."
Bad news
Did anyone actually watch the business briefing today? I missed it but I did hear from a few folks that it would result in some "belt tightening". Translation, yes, a certain PA site would have a few more open spots. It doesn't take a genius to realize that with Singulair going off-patent next year that the organization needs to figure out a way to very quickly cut costs and find growth and do it before we lose that revenue stream, not after!
Singulair + Maxalt off patent by 2012 year end = $5.5 BILLION of lost revenues to make up ....bye bye people and benefits (esp. the pension)
I just hope it happens sooner than later - they have to already have some initial ideas. Some easy layoffs? Differentiation? C'mon?
is it sales or everything at Merck? Are there any safe places to go to?