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So Close, But Not Enough. Almost, but No.


To win COE, a person needs to sell the ENTIRE year.
I guess some lost their focus, and let 2017
slip away?

Bottom Line is GRIT can’t be something you preach about, you have to LIVE it.


Stay Focused on Those Must Win Battles.


To win COE, a person needs to sell the ENTIRE year.
I guess some lost their focus, and let 2017
slip away?

Bottom Line is GRIT can’t be something you preach about, you have to LIVE it.


Stay Focused on Those Must Win Battles.
OK Winston Churchill...
Go sell something instead of blowing sunshine up people's asses.
Bottom line is we're the whores of the pharma industry and it's going to catch up to us all so enjoy it while you can. We'll do the same thing that Pfizer and Viagra did in the 90's. You make a minimal difference. The reason we kick ass is we buy business an the other diabetes companies don't get it or don't want to do it.
Party on Wayne.

There are reps that carry their weight and move business. You know who you are because you have an inner circle of providers that always support you and your products. If you have been a rep for more than a few years in the same territory and cant make a list of 10 to 20 hcps that are in your inner circle then obviously you look for excuses to cheapen your position instead of actually doing the job. Its a sales job. Go sell something!