So. Cal. DM's


How is like to work for these people? I am hearing a lot of negative things coming out of this region and was looking at a possible transfer in the future....please help! Any advice?

All the managers are going to do whatever the RD tells them to, that is why the newer managers are more young and/or inexperienced than most of the reps in the field. It is not because they're they most qualified to lead or because they had the most success in their prior positions. It's not that they are incompetent, it's more that they don't even have a chance to show what they can or would like to do as individuals. They probably have a lot of great ideas! They have no choice but to comply and act like they couldn't agree more. The leadership philosophy is that if we all do the same thing (what they tell us to do), we will be successful. Unfortunately, this goes against every bit of evidence on effective and successful leadership in sales that exists. It also doesn't take into account that we are not all the same, or even close. It would be great to hear from someone, anyone, who feels that they thrive in this environment. A rep in this region may or may not do very well, there is a lot of opportunity, money to be made, and good products to represent. The message reps are asked to deliver is also often good, as is formulary coverage (compared to branded competitors). However, you'll need to do EVERYTHING, the way they want it. It doesn't matter what you think, how much experience you have, whether it's working, or what territory you are in.

All the managers are going to do whatever the RD tells them to, that is why the newer managers are more young and/or inexperienced than most of the reps in the field. It is not because they're they most qualified to lead or because they had the most success in their prior positions. It's not that they are incompetent, it's more that they don't even have a chance to show what they can or would like to do as individuals. They probably have a lot of great ideas! They have no choice but to comply and act like they couldn't agree more. The leadership philosophy is that if we all do the same thing (what they tell us to do), we will be successful. Unfortunately, this goes against every bit of evidence on effective and successful leadership in sales that exists. It also doesn't take into account that we are not all the same, or even close. It would be great to hear from someone, anyone, who feels that they thrive in this environment. A rep in this region may or may not do very well, there is a lot of opportunity, money to be made, and good products to represent. The message reps are asked to deliver is also often good, as is formulary coverage (compared to branded competitors). However, you'll need to do EVERYTHING, the way they want it. It doesn't matter what you think, how much experience you have, whether it's working, or what territory you are in.

This post is from a manager. This is all excuses and bullshit. This is the convient cop out that all forest dm's use. When they can't get the reps to buy what they are selling, then it becomes that old tag line that the Dm's "can only do what the RD lets them".... that crock of shit is so over played and stale. The DM's at forest have all the same ability to lead, coach, and manage performance just as managers do at all mid sized corporate companies. The excuse that forest Dm's are some how only operable by the grace of an RD is stupid. Dm's in their middle management glory are responsible for a book or reps, when they fail to garner respect, it has nothing to do with their RD, it has everything to do with the interpersonal skills of the DM. Stop making excuse for the DM's. It is sick.

All the managers are going to do whatever the RD tells them to, that is why the newer managers are more young and/or inexperienced than most of the reps in the field. It is not because they're they most qualified to lead or because they had the most success in their prior positions. It's not that they are incompetent, it's more that they don't even have a chance to show what they can or would like to do as individuals. They probably have a lot of great ideas! They have no choice but to comply and act like they couldn't agree more. The leadership philosophy is that if we all do the same thing (what they tell us to do), we will be successful. Unfortunately, this goes against every bit of evidence on effective and successful leadership in sales that exists. It also doesn't take into account that we are not all the same, or even close. It would be great to hear from someone, anyone, who feels that they thrive in this environment. A rep in this region may or may not do very well, there is a lot of opportunity, money to be made, and good products to represent. The message reps are asked to deliver is also often good, as is formulary coverage (compared to branded competitors). However, you'll need to do EVERYTHING, the way they want it. It doesn't matter what you think, how much experience you have, whether it's working, or what territory you are in.

This post is from a manager. This is all excuses and bullshit. This is the convient cop out that all forest dm's use. When they can't get the reps to buy what they are selling, then it becomes that old tag line that the Dm's "can only do what the RD lets them".... that crock of shit is so over played and stale. The DM's at forest have all the same ability to lead, coach, and manage performance just as managers do at all mid sized corporate companies. The excuse that forest Dm's are some how only operable by the grace of an RD is stupid. Dm's in their middle management glory are responsible for a book or reps, when they fail to garner respect, it has nothing to do with their RD, it has everything to do with the interpersonal skills of the DM. Stop making excuse for the DM's. It is sick.

True. I like AB

AB is the only exception to the horrible SoCal management team. But, keep in mind, he still works for CS so he has to do what he's told in order to protect his job, too. He may not stab anybody in the back like the rest, but his hands are still tied when it comes to being completely honest and supportive.

Run far far away from So Cal management if you're thinking of coming here. CS thinks he's well respected and people like him but everyone's well aware he thinks almost everyone that works for him is worthless. This is the region where you hear "the best reps are the brand new reps" over and over again... well if that's the case wouldn't it be true for DM's and RD's too? Stop telling your sob stories at the end of the POAs like that's gonna motivate us to want to work hard for you after it's clear through your action and tone you don't care one bit about anyone but yourself. The managers follow like damn robots because if you don't nod your head and smile you're out of the circle of trust. There's a reason why more and more bland people are rising to the top and it's because they would never challenge him. It's sad because people once respected him but those days are so far gone. Also one has to begin to wonder when the DM's that are under him are verbally abusive, harassing, and unethical the apple probably doesn't fall far from the tree. Bottom line is if you have the opportunity to work in another region it would make your quality of life alot better. Everyone I know hates working here now because of the horrible environment that the powers that be have created. It's sad but true

Ha! Very funny and accurate. Eddie wouldn't go these days, the loyalty is gone. It's surprising that AB was granted entry into management without the typically required lobotomy, microchip, and ECT. If he is able to truly be himself he will be the only manager in the region to inspire his reps to want to be their best. Pete, we know you want to, are you brave enough to join AB and be real with your new team?

What was up with that "tear-jerker" CS had CM read at the LA POA... I felt like I was listening to a badly plagiarized Robert Frost poem. Of course the only people crying were the management team.... hahhahaa!!

Can't wait to hear what our genius poa is that's going to outsmart the nation! Let me guess..."don't say it's an antidepressant, talk about the aymptoms...". Daliresp..."breathing air means your patients can participate in family activities, like going to the park, a parade, or reading from the Torah at Passover...." Daliresp is for everyone...mazel tov!

What was up with that "tear-jerker" CS had CM read at the LA POA... I felt like I was listening to a badly plagiarized Robert Frost poem. Of course the only people crying were the management team.... hahhahaa!!

Can't wait for the next tearjerker...perhaps a haiku about not making "the club" or how "special" specialty reps are ;)

Ok so what's the deal with promoting someone to RST only to realize months later that "they actually weren't eligible for the spot" and then demoting them. Does anyone know what happened here? All it seems like to me is another manipulative move by God, oh sorry... I mean CS

I feel sorry for anyone who has AC as a manager. She is horrible! Ask anyone from her days at Merck, Schering, Abbott or Enterprise. Don't trust her. She's a hateful spirited women who has been divorced 3 times and she's only 35!! Micromanagement style and vicious. If only her father told her she was beautiful and loved, the world could've been a better place. How is she a hospital DM when she only has Primary Care experience.

I feel sorry for anyone who has AC as a manager. She is horrible! Ask anyone from her days at Merck, Schering, Abbott or Enterprise. Don't trust her. She's a hateful spirited women who has been divorced 3 times and she's only 35!! Micromanagement style and vicious. If only her father told her she was beautiful and loved, the world could've been a better place. How is she a hospital DM when she only has Primary Care experience.

I have heard the opposite from people who currently work for her. She seems to be one of the few "sane" DM's in the hospital division. I think your comment is pretty mean spirited... I like her and she seems to have learned pretty quickly despite her lack of hospital management experience. I would work for her in a minute!!!