Snowflakes in the home office don’t want to go to work


Died laughing the entire webex this week. Takeda you get what you deserve on this one. Having to beg these snowflakes to come to work. The field has been out in the offices, where the viruses are, for a year and you guys are crying about coming to your cubicles. Wanting gas vouchers to drive in to work, because the gas prices suck. Of which I’m sure you fools voted for this! Consider yourself lucky that you haven’t paid to shower daily, put on makeup daily, paid for day care or paid for lunch out of the home for over 2 years. Maybe this should be an eye opener to leadership as to where the cash flow comes from and thin that home office lazy herd!!


Died laughing the entire webex this week. Takeda you get what you deserve on this one. Having to beg these snowflakes to come to work. The field has been out in the offices, where the viruses are, for a year and you guys are crying about coming to your cubicles. Wanting gas vouchers to drive in to work, because the gas prices suck. Of which I’m sure you fools voted for this! Consider yourself lucky that you haven’t paid to shower daily, put on makeup daily, paid for day care or paid for lunch out of the home for over 2 years. Maybe this should be an eye opener to leadership as to where the cash flow comes from and thin that home office lazy herd!!
How about give the field a minimum of the cost of living adjustments since we have paid for daycare for the last year and brought home the bacon. “But they don’t look at inflation” for raises. Eye roll, eye roll. Of course the people in the glass house don’t look at what they have supported that hurts the little guy.

No wonder there hasn’t been one report released on time or even correct in the past 2 years. You fools aren’t working. What a joke! What a mistake to let the field be on their “Please come back to the office” webex. There was little respect before and now it is laughable. No wonder the company has turned to turd.

Wah! Wah!i got to pay for daycare! Wah! Wah!

why don’t you quit your job and raise your own kids!!
Are you seriously brain dead? Those of us paying for daycare are out in the field calling on customers and paying your salary. Field sales was on the call listening to whiners complain about gas prices and charging meeting times due to commuting. We’ve been working F2F since early last year! Time for a reality check.

And the field was forced to get vaccinated while it was optional for HO. Everyone that was fired in the field for that, should get their jobs back. Oh, wait a minute. No one wants them back!! Or how about making everyone else in HO get the stupid jab! Oh that’s right, different rules. It’s almost like watching a soap opera with more than one villain!! I haven’t watched that crap since my college years. But, this is so entertaining to see so much that is messed up at EVERY level!! I can’t wait to tune in! Each time I think I’ve heard it all?…….nope. Each time I think Takeda leadership can’t sink any lower?……….wrong again. And every time I think employees can’t get any unhappier?………..Yep, you guessed it. What a sad, yet comical, place to work.

That call showed exactly what happens when you try to roll back bullshit rules you should never have implemented. People lost their jobs for not getting the vaccine (in sales) while you pussies stayed home all day. Go to work or go find another job. That’s what was said to sales when people questioned the fairness of the us vs them rules that had to be followed

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