SM promotion to VP

Yes, he assumes the position January.

OMG!!! You have got to be kidding!!!! What in the hell is wrong with these people????? That Moron has no marketing exp at all! What are they thinking??? What unique pictures does SM have of DM that he would be put into this position? What about the shareholders of this company?? Would they approve if they knew that this egotistical, immature, and leaderless person was going to assume this repsonsiblity? This company never ceases to amaze me on their consistent bad decisions!

OMG!!! You have got to be kidding!!!! What in the hell is wrong with these people????? That Moron has no marketing exp at all! What are they thinking??? What unique pictures does SM have of DM that he would be put into this position? What about the shareholders of this company?? Would they approve if they knew that this egotistical, immature, and leaderless person was going to assume this repsonsiblity? This company never ceases to amaze me on their consistent bad decisions!

Total insanity.

Anyone out there have any updates on where this division (ES) is heading this year??

Reps are miserable, desparate to find other opportunities, hate management.

Management pious and placing blame everywhere but their own shoulders.

Utica Corporate allowing charade in Centenniel to continue.

Business as usual........