Slick Rick Perry bashes book----His own !!!

So Perry is no different than any other politician. Itnmay be an unpopular position, but the entire "safety net" is unconstitutional as is 95% of what the federal gobblement does. It will all implode and if you havent't prepared yourself, you are screwed. Sounds like you aren't prepared. Too bad for you

Without reading the link I will say that a politician who is incapable of changing his mind is a scary thing. The key is - why they change it.

Without reading the link I will say that a politician who is incapable of changing his mind is a scary thing. The key is - why they change it.

Perry probably had the book ghost written for him.

Gosh, can you think of anybody else who has done that?

In any event, considering the source, the accusations by are probably untrue. Are they still getting most of their funding from the Democratic National Committee?

Thanks for letting me know about the book. Now that I am aware of it, I will download it to my kindle before I go to bed. More campaign money for Perry.
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Perry wrote a book, and now a mere 9 months later, the slickster is saying that the book contains- (gasp) "untruths" and " misinformation.
Tip of the iceberg for this bird, flipping, flopping and flailing.

Just downloaded it. "Stink Progress" failed to mention that it was co-authored with Newt, who is probably the principal author. don't suppose they would lie by omission on such an important you?

It's a pretty short book. I'm sure it won't take the OP more than six months to read it. I'll give you a book report later. For those with a Kindle, it's only $10. As opposed to the current (unfortunately) President, I am confident that I can rely on Rick to use the money properly.

Don't mess with me, kid. You don't have the horsepower.
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