SKO Meeting


After this meeting I am still confused what our MAE's actually contribute. I watch their power point only to realize they don't contribute anything to the bottom line. In the field they have to tag on to our RFMs because they do not know the customers in large groups or small offices. We also realized our CTLs have 7.5 reps per district, add the MAEs in that is 6.25 reps per management level employee. They could cut half the CTLs and all the MAEs, Huge Savings.

Maes have a job to do.... Who do you think goes into meetings and differentiates you. They also spend all day emailing people begging them for access by using fancy words like quality metrics. Wait til roger p finds out that reps and maes do the same thing but one gets paid more

You all see Murphys performance at the latest round of SKO meetings? What a f###king clueless bastard. Spare me they hype will ya big bob? He may be the biggest koolade drinker of all!

I think I'll do less because of guys like this. If you can't get the leadership right, you can't get the company right. Learn that lesson from other industries will you? Oh that's right. You have to act like 6th grader to understand that one. We need to make things so complex that you can't understand anything. Well, some of us are brighter than that big bob! These guys are so stuck on themselves is ridiculous and silly to watch.

You all see Murphys performance at the latest round of SKO meetings? What a f###king clueless bastard. Spare me they hype will ya big bob? He may be the biggest koolade drinker of all!

I think I'll do less because of guys like this. If you can't get the leadership right, you can't get the company right. Learn that lesson from other industries will you? Oh that's right. You have to act like 6th grader to understand that one. We need to make things so complex that you can't understand anything. Well, some of us are brighter than that big bob! These guys are so stuck on themselves is ridiculous and silly to watch.

What's wrong you don't like bob showing up and racing out without answering any questions. Don't be so hard on him, he had to go to a job interview. What a joke this guy is....if you can't trust him how are you suppose to follow him.....oh that's right bec he is a leader. Besides robin Blackburn, is there anyone who is worth following. I think he is a notch better than our DCO

After this meeting I am still confused what our MAE's actually contribute. I watch their power point only to realize they don't contribute anything to the bottom line. In the field they have to tag on to our RFMs because they do not know the customers in large groups or small offices. We also realized our CTLs have 7.5 reps per district, add the MAEs in that is 6.25 reps per management level employee. They could cut half the CTLs and all the MAEs, Huge Savings.

I am confused and disappointed no promises were made to guarantee reps another full year...

Wait....did I miss something?

After this meeting I am still confused what our MAE's actually contribute. I watch their power point only to realize they don't contribute anything to the bottom line. In the field they have to tag on to our RFMs because they do not know the customers in large groups or small offices. We also realized our CTLs have 7.5 reps per district, add the MAEs in that is 6.25 reps per management level employee. They could cut half the CTLs and all the MAEs, Huge Savings.

MAEs a vital link in the food chain of nonsensical and mindless processes that feed the larger idiotic processes above. Their stupid jobs are only exposed now because revenue is drying up faster than a California lake bed and the spotlight is now starting to focus on what people in this company actually contribute. The company can done on about having too many field reps, which we do, but until Merck address the massive layers of waste and inefficiencies above nothing is really going to change

After this meeting I am still confused what our MAE's actually contribute. I watch their power point only to realize they don't contribute anything to the bottom line. In the field they have to tag on to our RFMs because they do not know the customers in large groups or small offices. We also realized our CTLs have 7.5 reps per district, add the MAEs in that is 6.25 reps per management level employee. They could cut half the CTLs and all the MAEs, Huge Savings.

MAEs a vital link in the food chain of nonsensical and mindless processes that feed the larger idiotic processes above. Their stupid jobs are only exposed now because revenue is drying up faster than a California lake bed and the spotlight is now starting to focus on what people in this company actually contribute. The company can drone on about having too many field reps, which we do, but until Merck address the massive layers of waste and inefficiencies above nothing is really going to change

The MAEs do perform needless Conference Calls so we can be out of the field and not making calls. One of our MAEs held about 3 per month (optional) then took role. I have never seen anyone trying to justify a job like the MAEs.

The real circus was out in the western region with whackyass welsh

It was the murphy/welsh/odonnell show

In other words, it was the ex-athlete only in his mind/the journalist/and the trans-gender show

how freaking embarrassing

After this meeting I am still confused what our MAE's actually contribute. I watch their power point only to realize they don't contribute anything to the bottom line. In the field they have to tag on to our RFMs because they do not know the customers in large groups or small offices. We also realized our CTLs have 7.5 reps per district, add the MAEs in that is 6.25 reps per management level employee. They could cut half the CTLs and all the MAEs, Huge Savings.

Our MAE's good... What region are you in?

After this meeting I am still confused what our MAE's actually contribute. I watch their power point only to realize they don't contribute anything to the bottom line. In the field they have to tag on to our RFMs because they do not know the customers in large groups or small offices. We also realized our CTLs have 7.5 reps per district, add the MAEs in that is 6.25 reps per management level employee. They could cut half the CTLs and all the MAEs, Huge Savings.

Question. What happened at the West Region SKO meeting last night? Heard there was a mandatory evening outing which consisted of the exec team doing a porno themed stage dance at a bar. Heard rumblings that many were offended and there is video. Is this true? RELEASE THE TAPES. Partay, sounds like a SP event in the 90's. If true I want to join your region, totally awesome, knarly.

Question. What happened at the West Region SKO meeting last night? Heard there was a mandatory evening outing which consisted of the exec team doing a porno themed stage dance at a bar. Heard rumblings that many were offended and there is video. Is this true? RELEASE THE TAPES. Partay, sounds like a SP event in the 90's. If true I want to join your region, totally awesome, knarly.

True. Dive bar with gloryhole in the women's restroom, I was disgusted, who picked this gross pit?

Question. What happened at the West Region SKO meeting last night? Heard there was a mandatory evening outing which consisted of the exec team doing a porno themed stage dance at a bar. Heard rumblings that many were offended and there is video. Is this true? RELEASE THE TAPES. Partay, sounds like a SP event in the 90's. If true I want to join your region, totally awesome, knarly.

Just got a message from a rep containing the video, nasD and embarrassing. There are several iterations circulating now. The music talks about sex acts and the dudes on the stage are dancing with one another. You guys out west are a bunch of fairies. Simulated sex acts - boo boo.

Just got a message from a rep containing the video, nasD and embarrassing. There are several iterations circulating now. The music talks about sex acts and the dudes on the stage are dancing with one another. You guys out west are a bunch of fairies. Simulated sex acts - boo boo.

Where was the meeting?

Seattle, Washington, Western Frontier Region >>> 100 plus ctl s, reps, and others at this required evening debacle >> at a bar with simulated lewd acts on stage by Merck managers>>dingy dive bar rented out by Merck, bad decision........

Do not forget the VIP transportation to the event which was a flippen one way train ticket in a urine smelling, homeless filled sardine can. Epic fail & ditto on the above posts, pretty accurate.