Sinking ship ?

Seems like more and more are either jumping off ship or being thrown off
What gives?

Definitely not a sinking ship. Halozyme has a strong balance sheet and lots of cash. The better question is if Halozyme is committed to a commercial division. My opinion is yes. If they are keeping Helenex around, my guess is Xyosted will stick around now that it’s profitable. Helen needs to start diversify revenue to protect the company when Enhanze loses its patent. My guess is another acquisition will come in the next couple years.

Stock was trading at 60 a share 18 months ago now it’s in the upper 30s
If the balance sheet was really strong and they had lots of cash to stock wouldn’t be down so much
They have a great product in the urology space have not invested the dollars to make it be what it could be

Stock was trading at 60 a share 18 months ago now it’s in the upper 30s
If the balance sheet was really strong and they had lots of cash to stock wouldn’t be down so much
They have a great product in the urology space have not invested the dollars to make it be what it could be
Stock approaching $60, coverage has dramatically improved. Things are looking great!