Sincere request


My mom has CRVO and has been receiving injections of avastin for about a year and a half. Her MD said that he is changing her injection to a different med. I think he is going to give her Lucentis, but don't understand what the benefit to her will be. While the Avastin hurts bad for the first day (she gets injections in both eyes), she is fine the next day and has improvement for about 2 weeks, then bad vision for 2 weeks, then injections, and the cycle starts again. I thought Lucentis and Avastin were the same thing. Aside from the different indications, is any MEDICAL reason why he would switch her to Lucentis? Has Eyelea launched yet????? I didn't think it had, that was the only other thought I had. Thank you for any help I may receive. I plan on attending her appt but I am not that familiar with the meds and he isn't always very clear with his answers.

My mom has CRVO and has been receiving injections of avastin for about a year and a half. Her MD said that he is changing her injection to a different med. I think he is going to give her Lucentis, but don't understand what the benefit to her will be. While the Avastin hurts bad for the first day (she gets injections in both eyes), she is fine the next day and has improvement for about 2 weeks, then bad vision for 2 weeks, then injections, and the cycle starts again. I thought Lucentis and Avastin were the same thing. Aside from the different indications, is any MEDICAL reason why he would switch her to Lucentis? Has Eyelea launched yet????? I didn't think it had, that was the only other thought I had. Thank you for any help I may receive. I plan on attending her appt but I am not that familiar with the meds and he isn't always very clear with his answers.

Follow this link for more information than you can imagine:

I am not trying to get competitive info... I was expecting to have you all act as though I were---however, my post is sincere.....I have been looking for information so that I would have enough info to help me ask good questions so that I would better understand what the MD is telling us. She went to the MD today and was told that her left eye is too bad to get the Avastin shot. Her left eye has poor blood flow ---basically said blood isn't getting to the eye. Her right eye improved from 20/250 to 20/200 today vs 5 weeks ago. Her glaucoma pressures in rt eye was 17 and left eye (worse of the two) was only 14. Pupil reaction slow in both. He said that there are several alternatives to Avastin, but now may not change since the right eye seems to be responding. I think he is giving up on the left eye--just hasn't responded well at all. Believe what you want, I am sincere, don't need nor appreciate the expletives, however, I can understand skepticism.

I am not trying to get competitive info... I was expecting to have you all act as though I were---however, my post is sincere.....I have been looking for information so that I would have enough info to help me ask good questions so that I would better understand what the MD is telling us. She went to the MD today and was told that her left eye is too bad to get the Avastin shot. Her left eye has poor blood flow ---basically said blood isn't getting to the eye. Her right eye improved from 20/250 to 20/200 today vs 5 weeks ago. Her glaucoma pressures in rt eye was 17 and left eye (worse of the two) was only 14. Pupil reaction slow in both. He said that there are several alternatives to Avastin, but now may not change since the right eye seems to be responding. I think he is giving up on the left eye--just hasn't responded well at all. Believe what you want, I am sincere, don't need nor appreciate the expletives, however, I can understand skepticism.

Do you smell bacon?

Thanks, she cannot take steroids, they cause her glaucoma to really spike! This is really like a vicious cycle. I appreciate your kind reply instead of all the rude, and skeptical replies others seem compelled to give.

Dr. may be afraid of lawsuits in light of reported infections in Miami, Nashville, and Los Angeles. Google Nashville VA and blind to find a possible answer to the Dr.'s motivation.