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Since Leaving Merck, I Feel Powerful Again, Invigorated, Reborn!!


For those still at Merck who haven't figured it out yet, the Merck
"system" operates as a Ponzi Scheme, where your services will be
utilized, as long as long as you are willing to play the role of useful
idiot...In other words, keep you mouth shut, no matter how badly you
are being lied to, screwed over, or disrespected.

The Merck system needs to break you down, to make you feel essentially
useless, and keep you squarely in the little box they have inserted you in.

While I did know all this while I was still in the toxic environment called Merck,
it wasn't until I left, (at an age where everyone told me, "You can't leave - you're
too old) that I fully realized how badly Merck had shaken my foundation, and
battered ,my self-esteem and self-confidence....

Flash forward a few years, and I am really glad I left pharma...Don't make the
full time 6 figure money anymore for no brainer part time work, but I feel like
a powerful, valued thinking human being again, and love the feeling of being
valued by my employer...

To those of you who will be churned, burned, and turned in 2014, (and those who
get pushed out) please know that there is lfie after Merck...and a better one at

FU MERCK!! You tried hard, but you didn't beat me.....

For those still at Merck who haven't figured it out yet, the Merck
"system" operates as a Ponzi Scheme, where your services will be
utilized, as long as long as you are willing to play the role of useful
idiot...In other words, keep you mouth shut, no matter how badly you
are being lied to, screwed over, or disrespected.

The Merck system needs to break you down, to make you feel essentially
useless, and keep you squarely in the little box they have inserted you in.

While I did know all this while I was still in the toxic environment called Merck,
it wasn't until I left, (at an age where everyone told me, "You can't leave - you're
too old) that I fully realized how badly Merck had shaken my foundation, and
battered ,my self-esteem and self-confidence....

Flash forward a few years, and I am really glad I left pharma...Don't make the
full time 6 figure money anymore for no brainer part time work, but I feel like
a powerful, valued thinking human being again, and love the feeling of being
valued by my employer...

To those of you who will be churned, burned, and turned in 2014, (and those who
get pushed out) please know that there is lfie after Merck...and a better one at

FU MERCK!! You tried hard, but you didn't beat me.....

good for you! glad to hear it. Too many people have their self esteem wrapped up in earnings, if you make good money whoring for pharma and living in a mc mansion and having all the crap that goes along with that, they think thats value. Its not. glad to hear you recovered and are happy!

good for you! glad to hear it. Too many people have their self esteem wrapped up in earnings, if you make good money whoring for pharma and living in a mc mansion and having all the crap that goes along with that, they think thats value. Its not. glad to hear you recovered and are happy!

Nonsense. Most people I know make normal salaries. Middle class. If they live in or around major NE or West Coast cities they are spending it all on the taxes and housing costs. No cash for play time!

McMansion houses are those with other circumstances around money...spouse with big job, big bucks, lottery sweepstake winners, or other unusual situations...I've met some here with spouses who are lawyers, doctors, engineers, stock tycoons....all bringing home some big stashes of crispy bacon!! That's the source of McMansions!!


What the OP now hears from his new boss:

"Jimmy...Clean up in Aisle 7!"

Yawn huh? Yes, I am sure you are tired all the time from your hard job of delivering deli, and playing kindergarden with your role-plays and field visits, with your "Customer Team Leader." (Rah Rah)

And honestly if I did get a job in a grocery story and have to hear about cleaning up Aisle 7, I would be ok with that...

Pharma is just a disgusting way to make a living, unless you are young, dumb, and preferably female...


What the OP now hears from his new boss:

"Jimmy...Clean up in Aisle 7!"

I am not the OP but I retired with a lump sum and 401K. I only have my house to clean up. Now it is winter, add driveway to shovel too.

Booking two international trips, one to S. America and another one to Asia. One kid want to go to Vegas and so we may go there for 3-4 days. I spend and also live frugally and look for sales.

If you don't live lavishly and thinking everyone else are "aisle cleaners" you can retire with a few $$ just like I did.

I did clean the bathrooms last night. :)

Yawn huh? Yes, I am sure you are tired all the time from your hard job of delivering deli, and playing kindergarden with your role-plays and field visits, with your "Customer Team Leader." (Rah Rah)

And honestly if I did get a job in a grocery story and have to hear about cleaning up Aisle 7, I would be ok with that...

Pharma is just a disgusting way to make a living, unless you are young, dumb, and preferably female...

Not saying you should get into the business. But if I am going to double your pay plus perks my guess is you may think twice.

There are a lot of sales jobs out there. All the hospitals have sales people going around doctor offices touting they are the best. Physicians have their medical society and lobbyists (sales people) sweet talking politicians and others too. The grocery store you may work at is telling us every day with radio/TV/newspaper ads that they have the best selection with the lowest price and good service too. Wait till you have a team meeting when your store manager tells you to sell the store to the customers by being nice, smile a lot, and be more productive.