SIG VP’s are the most lackluster, unimaginative, disingenuous leaders I've ever seen. There is no one up there motivating, creating or inspiring anyone or anything.

C'mon now people SIGs stands for signatures , all time stamped mind you . Rx reps better get plenty of them too . What a worthless waste of a life , showing some marketing bit on tablet , collect that Dr or PA sig lie to yourself that you made a difference =Repeat . Lowest job in healthcare

Jealous, yep.
SIGs love living on company expense. Yep life is good with large bonuses and no responsibilities. The money is rolling in and they don't have to break a sweat doing it either.

Pure comedy right here " large bonuses " ? WTF did you come from McDonalds before this pathetic job ? Real bonuses are not 15k a quarter you loser .

Now run along and get those sigs , I'm watching your Reach and Feq & also how much $ you spent on Red Robin catering last month & I see that going in a coaching memo . I also see a SNL piece coming .

Fool Please

No need to have such a heavy and luxury SIG organizations. They did not bring any value nor innovation to us but global campaigns...if we want to speed to market, get them slim down and keep only real valuable ones...
Amen to this!

SIG employees are entrenched, old-school...they wouldn't know innovation or new thinking if it hit them on the head

No need to have such a heavy and luxury SIG organizations. They did not bring any value nor innovation to us but global campaigns...if we want to speed to market, get them slim down and keep only real valuable ones...
Wait. Numerous management positions at all levels will be eliminated in the name of streamlining/efficiency. The company will wake up to the reality that SIG management doesn't do anything of value or importance. Cuts coming in all areas