
In my region the expectation is a minimum of 10 calls a day with at least 60% sampled. I know there are some DM's that look for more though.

IN our group it is at least 7 a day. This causes all sorts of friction and chaos in the offices and reps are stepping on each others throats to get that coveted signature to save their job. Doctors and nurses hate Forest reps for always begging for a sig and then scooting out the door in a hurry to save face and embarrassment. What a sad little world this has become. Either you show your boss he is the power player and get his sig's so he can justify your salary to his boss, or you are out!

have the physicians write names on copy paper, then you can forge the names throughout the day, signatures are a way to babysit you and it has become a joke in the industry

They say there is a min expectation, then say but don't chase signatures, then say you have to get in front of the docs but it isn't about signatures, until it comes down to mid-year or annual review where they will ding you for not having the right WAS data. Then if you do have the right WAS data and enough signatures then you are chasing signatures and not making impact or the targets competency moves to something else subjective so that they don't have to give you a good keeps small time reps down. Others leave!