They didn't give a reason. But, if past is prologue, the poor, overworked, overwrought, "admins" couldn't handle it.
CP is losing money and can't afford to provide the service
Just because they can
"Someone" complained that they were being used to make political statements and the Overseers have a "zero policy" about political statements because they have been ordered by the Regime to not allow it
Absolutely nothing.
There's a lot more modding. I just received a note from Bryan that I had a post removed because it made a derogatory reference to someone who continually makes derogatory references to me yet whines about being ' modded'. BFD, who cares? It's a private site. If you write a letter to the editor of a newspaper - they have the freedonm of edit so there are two principles working here: 1) freedom of speech and 2) the freedom of the editor or publisher. On more than one occasssion I've been 'informed' my topics were socially unacceptable. Sometimes it came from the mods, sometimes from you all out there. You suck it up, quit whining and go on with life.
People here need to grow up. There are other blogs and what's wrong with just accepting the fact that within the concept of 'free speech' there will always be a referee no matter how you slice it or dice it? It's a matter of degree.
The classic example is someone walking into a crowded room and yelling 'Fire'.
Does it rob the speaker of his right to free speech? Or is it the best thing for 'society'? I'll bet the church goers here would be the first to suppress someone walking into their church and loudly using 4 letter epithets or yelling 'fire'..
I am sorry that you are so put out by the new rules.
I could give a rat's ass about the new rules. If I believe in something and want it as my signature, I'll he more than happy to type it in each time. Some of those sigs reminded me of being in Tijuana with cars riding around and blaring, obnoxious, speaker horns on top.
"Love is but a song we sing, fear's the way we die."