signature chasing


Take away chasing signatures and let us sell a little bit and sales increase. Funny how that works.
Hopefully they keep it this way. I am happier and work harder because of it. When I chase sigs I become a robot looking for easy access and don't care about opportunity.

Keep listening to the reps and we will all be successfull.

I thought we had to get signatures on every call now cuz we are supposed to sample on every manager told me if the sample closet was full to just leave the samples laying around the office. I started leaving them in the mens restroom in case the dr takes a dump he might think of oravig

I thought we had to get signatures on every call now cuz we are supposed to sample on every manager told me if the sample closet was full to just leave the samples laying around the office. I started leaving them in the mens restroom in case the dr takes a dump he might think of oravig

God this seriously was funny stuff. Sad thing is it is pretty much spot on in terms of truth.

Isnt this crazy. First take sig chasing away and I felt so good about my job. Ready to really sell and tackle the world. And I have done so. Things really looking up so far. Now we got word we have to sample on almost every call. So guess what, I am going to sig chasing again to leave a bunch of samples. Watch the numbers fall again.
Maybe the dude who rapped at the NSM should write a rap about how shitty this company is.