Sign on computers in 2012?

Yes, this is true and it will happen starting in November for some sales force. I do not that its going be that bad but then again it depends on who your manager is. I really like my manger alot and she is not a micromanager at all. I am excited about it and maybe getting a new computer.

All divisions will have e-signatures by January 1st, 2012. NO new computers planned! Going to be a nightmare on these slow slow computers. Going to be a true disaster! Premier Force gone and new program called Viva coming and is much better than premier force, except it requires e-signatures on our crappy current computers. iPads may be rolled out in the future to all divisions and currently being piloted in oncology.

Yes, this is true and it will happen starting in November for some sales force. I do not that its going be that bad but then again it depends on who your manager is. I really like my manger alot and she is not a micromanager at all. I am excited about it and maybe getting a new computer.

First signature is by 9 and must have signatures after 4 on most days. Those that don't comply will be put on warning. They have no tolerance for employees that don't want to work and be here. The times are changing at Lilly- you will have to earn your paycheck in the field. No more 10-2 days- bigger territories coming.

First signature is by 9 and must have signatures after 4 on most days. Those that don't comply will be put on warning. They have no tolerance for employees that don't want to work and be here. The times are changing at Lilly- you will have to earn your paycheck in the field. No more 10-2 days- bigger territories coming.

When I was at Abbott, managers would look for signatures before 9 and after 4. People who tried to alter the time clock on the computer were fired. Those that only had sigs between 10 AM and 2 PM were put on PIP. But now days, over there it is even better: Most reps have to bring in an iPad with an electronic sales aid AND a computer for the signature for samples! The software isn't on the iPad! I would suspect by now that many reps are considering backing their company car over both of those...

First signature is by 9 and must have signatures after 4 on most days. Those that don't comply will be put on warning. They have no tolerance for employees that don't want to work and be here. The times are changing at Lilly- you will have to earn your paycheck in the field. No more 10-2 days- bigger territories coming.

I've exceeded every quota and metric thrown at me for the past 10 years. When are they going to learn that meeting their metrics does not mean you are being productive nor does it mean you have done the best thing for the company and patient. These leaders are clueless and are grasping at straws to prove their own worth with their management. They can't seem to grasp the difference between academics and reality. The real world will never conform to their text book way of thinking. No one should be surprised that the best days of Lilly are behind us.

I've exceeded every quota and metric thrown at me for the past 10 years. When are they going to learn that meeting their metrics does not mean you are being productive nor does it mean you have done the best thing for the company and patient. These leaders are clueless and are grasping at straws to prove their own worth with their management. They can't seem to grasp the difference between academics and reality. The real world will never conform to their text book way of thinking. No one should be surprised that the best days of Lilly are behind us.

Same here! Small world. Problem with folks like us is, we don't have to worry about job security. Never have, never will.

Same here! Small world. Problem with folks like us is, we don't have to worry about job security. Never have, never will.

Dear Mr. Clueless:

When your manager's manager tells him to check the timestamps for his district, he will. When he finds you haven't made a real call before noon, you are correct.... you won't have to worry about job security; you will have to worry about finding ANOTHER job. Your particular results will be worth nothing, because in order to be "fair" your manager will have to run the check on the entire district. Then you're hosed.
Look at the bright side: Think what you could sell if you really put in a full day!

With love,
Your management

No need to worry people. Even with computer signatures, Lilly will continue same monitoring features. Underpeform and those things maybe looked at. Meet your goals and you won't hear a thing. And don't bank on computer signatures plus iPads. Those kinks are still being worked out, but come February...we'll all know for sure. Besides, is it really that difficult to see a customer between 9 and 10 and then 4 and 5? Just do you jobs and stop complaining. It's not big brother, it's actually more efficient. What you see as computer signatures, is far more advanced than just that, the other capabilities are what's important my friends. It would more of a consistency issue like if every day you started and ended at the office closest to your home and they were always calls with out samples. Of course that would raise flags...Yes, there will be computerized signatures and iPads, but how they will work and sych with each other is still under wraps unless of course you're one of the fortunate few piloting it now or early January...

No need to worry people. Even with computer signatures, Lilly will continue same monitoring features. Underpeform and those things maybe looked at. Meet your goals and you won't hear a thing. And don't bank on computer signatures plus iPads. Those kinks are still being worked out, but come February...we'll all know for sure. Besides, is it really that difficult to see a customer between 9 and 10 and then 4 and 5? Just do you jobs and stop complaining. It's not big brother, it's actually more efficient. What you see as computer signatures, is far more advanced than just that, the other capabilities are what's important my friends. It would more of a consistency issue like if every day you started and ended at the office closest to your home and they were always calls with out samples. Of course that would raise flags...Yes, there will be computerized signatures and iPads, but how they will work and sych with each other is still under wraps unless of course you're one of the fortunate few piloting it now or early January...

What difference does any of this really make in the long run. It won't be long before Lilly has no sales reps calling on doctors. With nothing to sell, who needs a sales force?

My question is, will the docs have to sign even if we don't leave them samples?

No. No company makes reps gather sigs just to prove that there were there, although some tried to have the reps collect the doctor's business card or appointment card.
Took about 3 seconds for every rep in the company to realize that they could pick up more than 1 card at a time, and the company discontinued the process about 3 weeks later.

New computer log-in prompt will be:

"Good morning, why are you still here? Please enter user name and password"
After you attempt to enter your usual user name and password the computer says:

Sorry, the username and password you entered are incorrect. Please contact your HR Department for further instructions.

When I was at Abbott, managers would look for signatures before 9 and after 4. People who tried to alter the time clock on the computer were fired. Those that only had sigs between 10 AM and 2 PM were put on PIP. But now days, over there it is even better: Most reps have to bring in an iPad with an electronic sales aid AND a computer for the signature for samples! The software isn't on the iPad! I would suspect by now that many reps are considering backing their company car over both of those...

How old are you? 25?? Come on...Why lie just because you are trying to scare the crap out of these new college grads who are too new to know any better? I worked for Abbott for 10 years and now Lilly. No one looks at the times you get a signature. If you are worried about that, you need to get out of this business. I have been doing this for 18 years. Just worry about selling the drugs you promote. This is a sales job...not a sample dropping signature getting job. Who cares if you don't leave samples for a week or two? If they don't need them ... they don;t need them. We don't get paid to get signatures you fool. Any manager that would look at a time stamp must be psycho. Mine looks at sales numbers. Yes...sales numbers. Get over yourself...and learn to SELL. I drop a case of samples at a time, so I don't have to get all the signatures you are so desperately trying to get just to make it look like you are working?? you sound like a slacker. Just forget about the samples and SEll Something please.
The only bad thing about the computers, are they are heavy and the batteries don't last more than 5 minutes. It will be a pain from that point of view. We need IPAD2s....which just learned we are not getting. Paper is better, but these heavy computers will be very hard on our backs and make us look clumsy.

When I was at Abbott, managers would look for signatures before 9 and after 4. People who tried to alter the time clock on the computer were fired. Those that only had sigs between 10 AM and 2 PM were put on PIP. But now days, over there it is even better: Most reps have to bring in an iPad with an electronic sales aid AND a computer for the signature for samples! The software isn't on the iPad! I would suspect by now that many reps are considering backing their company car over both of those...

Is there a way doctors can push a fast-forward key to buzz through the electronic sales aid in 2 seconds? Is there a way the rep can fast-forward through the sales aid to get to the "good parts" before the doctor walks away?

It must be funny watching a rep juggle an iPad and a computer, and at the same time try to sell something.

Try waiting for drs with one name pulled up to sign, praying the computer doesn't run out of battery----IVA has to be in there somewhere as well with another screen open. Different dr stops. Desperate to fix the computer and stammer something about patients while stalling for time. No dr interaction or eye contact because focus is on the stupid computer. It's ALL quality! Oh, sorry, I should have said benefit to all for making the company more green and less wasteful.

Been there done that. Pretty tough to keep focus on patient benefit and being customer centric when the computer sucks the life out of the whole conversation.

Ever watched other company reps with their computers? Notice what they're doing? Screwing with the dumb thing all the time. Not pre-call planning, thinking about what they're going to do to bring benefit, how the conversation ended on the previous call and how to advance it. I really do hope management reads this, because it's true. Won't change a thing, but still very true.

Makes me understand and appreciate even more being a rep during a time before computers, before lunches, before sample accountability, and at a time when there was only ONE rep per territory per company.

How do you guys do it and keep your sanity and self-respect?