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Sicko Don the Con throws another ally under the bus - and likely to their deaths

Look, anyone with a healthy brain knows that Dotard does not know what he is doing, does not want to read any lengthy analysis, is unaware too incompetent to understand the consequences of his actions. His days are numbered. When Fox news turns against him, you know its bad.

way to abandon our allies against ISIS - the Kurds. Thanks orange TURD ! But Sparky and LibsLuv will kiss your orange feet !

Trump made a big mistake here if he follows through on this. But you hardly have the moral standing to criticize any of the three of us as I’m sure you sat back and applauded full term babies being killed and a poor woman being tortured to death.

Look, anyone with a healthy brain knows that Dotard does not know what he is doing, does not want to read any lengthy analysis, is unaware too incompetent to understand the consequences of his actions. His days are numbered. When Fox news turns against him, you know its bad.

Yep his days will be numbered. They add up to two full terms! :p:D

Trump made a big mistake here if he follows through on this. But you hardly have the moral standing to criticize any of the three of us as I’m sure you sat back and applauded full term babies being killed and a poor woman being tortured to death.
Oh lord STFU. I am all about people taking responsibility for their actions. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. But abortion should be safe and legal yet I think it’s ridiculous people use it over and over. Whether you like it or not it’s always going to happen and I would rather see it done safely and in some alley with a coat hanger. By the way dipshit neither you nor me have to carry it around for nine months and we could walk away at the drop of a hat.
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Oh lord STFU. I am all about people taking responsibility for their actions. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. But abortion should be safe and legal yet I think it’s ridiculous people use it over and over. Whether you like it or not it’s always going to happen and I would rather see it done safely and in some alley with a coat hanger. By the way dipshit neither you nor me have to carry it around for nine months and we could walk away at the drop of a hat.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner ! :cool:

Oh lord STFU. I am all about people taking responsibility for their actions. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. But abortion should be safe and legal yet I think it’s ridiculous people use it over and over. Whether you like it or not it’s always going to happen and I would rather see it done safely and in some alley with a coat hanger. By the way dipshit neither you nor me have to carry it around for nine months and we could walk away at the drop of a hat.

If you want somebody to shut up then You shut up.

You’re the one who is clueless and immoral. And as to the last, you been asleep for a few decades. We’ve got dna testing now which can positively prove paternity do no we can’t just walk away, but all that is irrelevant anyway. Nobody has the legitimate right to take innocent human life. Case closed.

The only cabinet member that is left is Hud secretary Carlson!!! Thanks God I was never his patient!!

I love it when libtards like you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome make total fools of yourselves as you just did.

First it’s Dr. Carson, not Carlson! You can’t even get the basics right. Second and more importantly he is among the very best in the entire world when it came to his specialty. Only a fool would not thank God for having him as their doctor.

I love it when libtards like you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome make total fools of yourselves as you just did.

First it’s Dr. Carson, not Carlson! You can’t even get the basics right. Second and more importantly he is among the very best in the entire world when it came to his specialty. Only a fool would not thank God for having him as their doctor.

LOL, right, the dumb shit anti-vaxxer that agreed with Trump on his anti-vaccination rant. ;)

I love it when libtards like you suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome make total fools of yourselves as you just did.

First it’s Dr. Carson, not Carlson! You can’t even get the basics right. Second and more importantly he is among the very best in the entire world when it came to his specialty. Only a fool would not thank God for having him as their doctor.

Well DUH... isn't it obvious that when someone has patients, it is a doctor???? I am fully aware he is a Neurosurgeon!!

Anyone who does not see through Trump and his 12000 lies or false statements needs help...He is no exception!!!

way to abandon our allies against ISIS - the Kurds. Thanks orange TURD ! But Sparky and LibsLuv will kiss your orange feet !

Your stupidity is astounding.

If 50 soldiers make that big a difference, the war is lost anyway. Why put them in harm’s way? Not your kid, so you don’t care? 18 years is long enough for pouring money into a fire pit when the able- bodied Syrian men ran away like the cowards they are. We can’t fight everyone’s wars and we shouldn’t be expected to.
Where’s the almighty UN that we pay most of the bills. Too busy undermining us at every turn to suck more out of us for the rest of the shitholes of the world.

Oh lord STFU. I am all about people taking responsibility for their actions. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. But abortion should be safe and legal yet I think it’s ridiculous people use it over and over. Whether you like it or not it’s always going to happen and I would rather see it done safely and in some alley with a coat hanger. By the way dipshit neither you nor me have to carry it around for nine months and we could walk away at the drop of a hat.
Spot on
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Does anyone really believe that Trump is going into heaven after disobeying the 10 Commandments handed down by God over and over and never asking for forgiveness.
Thou shall not commit adultery (3 times)
Thou shall not steal (committed fraud, refused to pay workers and contractors over 400 lawsuits filed.
Thou shall not bear false witness (does Stormy ring a bell).
The list goes on and on.

Does anyone really believe that Trump is going into heaven after disobeying the 10 Commandments handed down by God over and over and never asking for forgiveness.
Thou shall not commit adultery (3 times)
Thou shall not steal (committed fraud, refused to pay workers and contractors over 400 lawsuits filed.
Thou shall not bear false witness (does Stormy ring a bell).
The list goes on and on.

Does anyone really believe that Trump is going into heaven after disobeying the 10 Commandments handed down by God over and over and never asking for forgiveness.
Thou shall not commit adultery (3 times)
Thou shall not steal (committed fraud, refused to pay workers and contractors over 400 lawsuits filed.
Thou shall not bear false witness (does Stormy ring a bell).
The list goes on and on.

No, if Trump doesn’t repent he will be going to Hell and he will have lots of company Bill and Hillary, Barack and Michelle, Nancy Pelosi and many more Democrats.

In the meantime though, he is a great president and we elected somebody to be president not to be sent to Heaven.

No, if Trump doesn’t repent he will be going to Hell and he will have lots of company Bill and Hillary, Barack and Michelle, Nancy Pelosi and many more Democrats.

In the meantime though, he is a great president and we elected somebody to be president not to be sent to Heaven.

Hell is a figment of your imagination. Does anyone here really think a person goes to hell for getting or getting a BJ from or to a person they are not married to? Silly idea.