Shoulder consultant payments


How come Exactech does not list payments to shoulder consultants on their website like they do for their hip and knee consultant surgeons? Seems inconsistent to me. Every surgeon using Exactech total shoulder products in my geography is a consultant according to them.

How come Exactech does not list payments to shoulder consultants on their website like they do for their hip and knee consultant surgeons? Seems inconsistent to me. Every surgeon using Exactech total shoulder products in my geography is a consultant according to them.

aaaaannnd? you want us to fill you in on all this without knowing who you are? get qualified dude. Then you can call someone and ask.

I'm a competitor from one of the big three companies and we disclose all of our consultants and payments, not just our hip and knee consultant. It would fair if you did the same.

Yeah three of the five docs in my "area" that use Exactech are either consultants or designers receiving royalties. A few more are now using the Equinoxe as Exactech has been granted sole provider upper extremity at one of the hospitals. Great product...not saying anything bad about it at all...just weird the number of consultants....