Should Reps be in the Field Still?

Should reps still be in the field?

  • Keep reps in the field regardless of potential risk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pull the reps until the virus is controlled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The reorg would’ve happened towards the latter part of 2019, when they were investigated for age discrimination. C Starr didn’t like the old guy so he let him go.

I heard about that! Starr didn’t even give the guy a warning. He lied on the calendar invite with something like ‘follow up’ to a project the guy was working on - then shows up 15 minutes later with HR and says this is your 90-day review. He already had the old guy’s bag packed and waiting by the front door like a criminal, and HR escorted him out with no severance. The guy had a lot of pharma experience, so it was obvious that Starr didn’t want him around because he needs to be the top dog. It’s a sad reflection of how TherapeuticsMD treats its employees.

I heard about that! Starr didn’t even give the guy a warning. He lied on the calendar invite with something like ‘follow up’ to a project the guy was working on - then shows up 15 minutes later with HR and says this is your 90-day review. He already had the old guy’s bag packed and waiting by the front door like a criminal, and HR escorted him out with no severance. The guy had a lot of pharma experience, so it was obvious that Starr didn’t want him around because he needs to be the top dog. It’s a sad reflection of how TherapeuticsMD treats its employees.

C Starr needs to go. He’s the brain surgeon behind bringing in Edge to replace Veeva. For all the money they’re spending on customizing that SFA, Veeva has already built it. Once TXMD has been bought out or goes under - who, seriously is going to put Edge on their resume?