Should Novartis pay


For rats to go to "leadership" forum in Boston Hilton? Doesn't he get diamond in Hilton Basel? Since when is nano management leadership? That rat knows nothing about leading a team. He should go try learning and helping his team.

Cannot believe Novartis let's him spend a week at this bulls it conference


For rats to go to "leadership" forum in Boston Hilton? Doesn't he get diamond in Hilton Basel? Since when is nano management leadership? That rat knows nothing about leading a team. He should go try learning and helping his team.

Cannot believe Novartis let's him spend a week at this bulls it conference

George is not worthy and not worth the investment. An obvious boondoggle trip for him and his family. If he had any honor he would cancel. He could send a clinical scientist to a real congress for that cost. What a rotten face to represent Novartis too

George is not worthy and not worth the investment. An obvious boondoggle trip for him and his family. If he had any honor he would cancel. He could send a clinical scientist to a real congress for that cost. What a rotten face to represent Novartis too

Vatsanos is lame stuffed shirt. No leadership skills. Kisses up to John and tim constantly and kicks Christian and team down all the time.