Should I even interview?


I've been in outside sales for a bit and have done well. I had a phone screen and got a call today for an interview about a two and a half hour drive away, to be blunt i'm not attractive, a bit heavy I could lose weight but fuck, i'm still gonna be an ugly dude and I can live with that... is it even worth the drive? I've always have heard if you aren't a chick with big cans or a former football player pharma isn't the spot for you..

the reason you should skip the interview is not because you are ugly... its because this is the worst possible company to work for in the entire industry. The reps are pathetic, the products are dogs, and the managers are kool aid drinking robots. Skip the interview

I've been in outside sales for a bit and have done well. I had a phone screen and got a call today for an interview about a two and a half hour drive away, to be blunt i'm not attractive, a bit heavy I could lose weight but fuck, i'm still gonna be an ugly dude and I can live with that... is it even worth the drive? I've always have heard if you aren't a chick with big cans or a former football player pharma isn't the spot for you..

Waaaaaaaah!!!! I'm chubby. Waaaaaah!!! I don't want to drive 2 hours........ So if you don't want to drive for an interview, you are really setting up high expectations for a job that you are driving for long periods of times..... Plus, due to size you may decrease your overall mpg which may make you more of a drain on the company, as well as society.

The benefit for you is the upper management resemble similar species found in the Mos Eisley Spaceport. So you be in luck if you can cut down from 3 happy meals to 2 a day. I know the toys are cool and you really need that Ty Beanie Baby to complete your island of misfit toys, but it is time to grow up a little but Francis Buckman.

I've been in outside sales for a bit and have done well. I had a phone screen and got a call today for an interview about a two and a half hour drive away, to be blunt i'm not attractive, a bit heavy I could lose weight but fuck, i'm still gonna be an ugly dude and I can live with that... is it even worth the drive? I've always have heard if you aren't a chick with big cans or a former football player pharma isn't the spot for you..

bring a seamen sample and a bag of pretzels for interview

the reason you should skip the interview is not because you are ugly... its because this is the worst possible company to work for in the entire industry. The reps are pathetic, the products are dogs, and the managers are kool aid drinking robots. Skip the interview


Person was obviously fired. A monkey can do this job and succeed so go cry somewhere else fucktard.