Short term/long term disability

Can you be cut if you are on std or ltd?

Yes you can be cut while on STD but it depends on what state you live in what can then happen to you. In California, STD is 1 year. In NY and NJ it is 26 weeks of STD then you would be cut. Not sure of LTD but you are already out of Novartis just receiving benefits.

I am w a different big pharma...and currently out on short term disability. My company is laying off and we should know who stays soon. That being said I CAN be laid off while on STD and lose the benefit! My company sent out some Q & A forms and that issue was covered. So, the situation sucks but that being said if u have a medical condition that warrants surgery do it NOW while u still have the benefit and a couple of months left. Many think u can not be laid off if on STD....maybe it varies from state to state, I don't know....Good luck to all.....

On the same idea...
if you look at the FLMA act in the Novartis Intranet you can be cut they put a clause in there saying that if there is a restructuring and you were not going to be kept then you will be let go and get your severance when you would normally come back from the FLMA.

I am pregnant and was hoping that FLMA might save my positon at least until after the baby is born so I could go interview. Kinda hard to look for a job 7 months preggo.

No luck no haven they can do what they want and if you take the severance no chance of a discrimination case either. I am going to pray for mercy but most likely I am gone. too many people with more tenure on my team. = (

Oh well could be worse could have a diagnosis of cancer. It really is just a job in the end we will land on our feet.

Good Luck I wish the best to everyone!!!