Shit Show in Seattle


Another team member down . Jeff is a robot , uncomfortable on ride alongs , awkward in front of customers , lost . I asked others at meetings and everyone in Denver said he was not manager material , I heard even not a good team member , WTF ? George what the hell ? You are a complete idiot , team mates said no , PCI said said not able !!! Thx douche , I'm looking myself this team is a complete mess , morale is horrible , I'm over all this . Galderma is a joke in the industry .


Sounds like another kiss ass who got promoted. How it all works, buttercup. Besides, who says the folks in Denver know anything. Too many softie sales people with soft skills, no work ethic, lazy bastards. Enjoy it while it lasts. This gravy train is coming to a cliff.

a sales person in denver been to like 20 inner circle trips . i had heard about the mess in seattle it's well known . abraham tho is a horrible manager for one just ask anyone who worked for him . just because you say ' choose me ' doesn't make you a good manager . that guys team really dislike him , he's just outta his depth . yes mr poster this train is swaying badly on the rails . i hope not to care anymore when i also find a better gig with a future

Another team member down . Jeff is a robot , uncomfortable on ride alongs , awkward in front of customers , lost . I asked others at meetings and everyone in Denver said he was not manager material , I heard even not a good team member , WTF ? George what the hell ? You are a complete idiot , team mates said no , PCI said said not able !!! Thx douche , I'm looking myself this team is a complete mess , morale is horrible , I'm over all this . Galderma is a joke in the industry .

This is being played out across the country !! If we don't by a product insurance companies are interested or even forced to put on their formulary team morale will be the least of our issues as sales people !! My manager is totally cool but G itself is a hot mess.

The biggest concern is that Abraham is not great at developing people and definitely not managers. He should have never been in the role. He was never a good manager and an under developed DM for 3 years.

The home office has to approve of the people that are promoted to DM's. So it's not just all on GA. He does not spend time with his people and will be quick to throw a rep, manager, marketing or anyone under the bus.

He also exaggerates everything to make himself look like the hero. I am so glad I am no longer in his region and will be happy when I leave this company.

This company is not great a developing people. We are great at checking the box.

Once BF, KC, JW, and HA are in other roles then the company will be great again. Need fresh people and perspective

Sounds like another kiss ass who got promoted. How it all works, buttercup. Besides, who says the folks in Denver know anything. Too many softie sales people with soft skills, no work ethic, lazy bastards. Enjoy it while it lasts. This gravy train is coming to a cliff.

Please for the love of god, stop calling people buttercup. On every damn thread...

Why all the flatulence and wailing. Everyone is making big bucks. At least AC. Easy times. Easy work schedule. Out by 10 and home by 3. I think things are pretty good. Not sure where people think the grass is greener.

Why all the flatulence and wailing. Everyone is making big bucks. At least AC. Easy times. Easy work schedule. Out by 10 and home by 3. I think things are pretty good. Not sure where people think the grass is greener.
How about all the open house in the evening selling shit to old women wanting to look like they are 30 again. This industry is for shallow women. Enjoy the ride it will not last forever.

Sounds like another kiss ass who got promoted. How it all works, buttercup. Besides, who says the folks in Denver know anything. Too many softie sales people with soft skills, no work ethic, lazy bastards. Enjoy it while it lasts. This gravy train is coming to a cliff.

thx butterbutt , but he has a greasy nose and bad haircut , who is finding these people ? " folks in denver " got a manager they r struggling with 2 . butterball i know in chicago vouched 4 her & now the powers r lookin @ wheeler 4 sales manager ! yikers , i'm keepin my head down it's one bad choice after another around here , no wonder i find myself in a bar before days end just like curley cube

The reps need resources the manager can only do so much. Certain areas are a shit show because we are going against manage care but the home office does not want to hear this.

It's just gonna be more turn over again and again until they listen. Home office is too dam slow to respond.

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