Shire sues Allergan. Who will win?

Leadership bungled the launch and couldn't execute on the "plan." Allergan is eating our lunch and FOs response - whiney baby and go to court. Instead of paying lawyers maybe we can pay a better CEO.

Hearing from reliable source Shire has already paid retainer for infamous and highly controversial world renowned attorney from Nagasaki - Lee King-Snache. If that's true- Shire is in a good position.

Can't we just double up on the number of Niinjas we have and beat them on the street? I have been talking to my fellow Niinjas and we all feel with a few more of us we can win this battle.

Leadership bungled the launch and couldn't execute on the "plan." Allergan is eating our lunch and FOs response - whiney baby and go to court. Instead of paying lawyers maybe we can pay a better CEO.

When your current President of Sales is Dumb and your former VP of Sales is Dumber, this is what you get. They focused on tactics that were effective in the 90s. Zero strategy or critical thought in terms of launching Xiidra. No market access strategy. A fucked up leadership structure. But most of all, the failures fall on Tongue twister for putting the KC inbred in power. She was clueless, her greatest insight was noticing a .1 call difference on Fridays. What a Brilliant Mind..... Both dummies believed in their greatness in December of 16. Now all the damage has to be fixed by the new guys.

Continuing to see the Jennifer Anniston eye love commercial and no branded effort is flat-out jack-assery at its best. What in the hell is the point? Money wasted again.