Shire is run by a bully CEO and not even a real company- post your evidence below

The town hall in which our leader stated the reason for the decrease in the stock price was AI (Artificial Intelligence)!!

The computers told the analysts to sell, sell, sell- we were lumped in similiar to Teva.

Point being, tre town hall replay then was taken down for “technical issues”. When it was back online; that portion was DELETED

Spends millions to uproot the company headquarters and move it to Lexington because its more " biotechy" up there

Negotiates away our employee severence policy to line the pockets of his top 30 executives with retention bonuses of 2 years worth of salary for 6 months work.

Gets left at the alter by an old, retired CEO at AbbVie and after fucking over his own employees has the nerve to stand up in front of the company and declare, "We're baaaaack!" (If I had tomato at that moment I would've heaved it at his smug, euro, face)

Nets a buyout price from Takeda of exactly $0 more than the last failed sale to AbbVie, but only after paying $32B for Baxalta

Has a closet full of black suits, black ties and white shirts... who is he, Kay from Men in Black?

Should I go on..........?

Bravo the men in black suit reference is very funny.

He selected and then allowed his leadership team to ruin a $2 billion NBU franchise.

The total debacle that is xiidra-see quarterly earnings report.
Trying to sue Allergan because they were good in securing part d coverage and we acted like children.
Suing Roche because “oh shit I just bought baxalta and now someone else will have competing meds, boo hoo.”

Buying baxalta.

Immunology deal in Canada.

A terrible pipeline.

Destroying a corporate culture.

Helping the custodians in Lexington to understand the value of a “holiday” in the Canary Islands.


Being a dick.

His first official communication to the organization as the new CEO was an email telling everyone what logo, colors and font they must use. Real strategic! Left everyone scratching their heads wondering "who is this clown"

A total departure from Matt Emmons and Angus Russell.

Bravo the men in black suit reference is very funny.

He selected and then allowed his leadership team to ruin a $2 billion NBU franchise.

The total debacle that is xiidra-see quarterly earnings report.
Trying to sue Allergan because they were good in securing part d coverage and we acted like children.
Suing Roche because “oh shit I just bought baxalta and now someone else will have competing meds, boo hoo.”

Buying baxalta.

Immunology deal in Canada.

A terrible pipeline.

Destroying a corporate culture.

Helping the custodians in Lexington to understand the value of a “holiday” in the Canary Islands.


Being a dick.

I like this.