Shire Culture

Culture is good overall. My DM is all up in my stuff because Kapvay is killing me. I may not hit my Intuiv numbers by December. I am being micromanaged but most others are not.

That was hilarious...Shire doesn't have "DM's," so no one employed by Shire would say "my DM." Furthermore, Kapvay isn't killing ANYONE's territory--that actually made me really laugh out loud. Like, not even a fake LOL.

hahah.... i wonder where this rep or should i say 'dm' is located... the kapvay rep for my territory is pathetic sales rep that has been sitting at 0.3% since April...sad they feel the need to spend so much time on shire's thread when they really should be working 24/7...btw culture is great for the most part, other companies only care about signatures and knowing every move their rep makes.

Comedy, Shire reps banging on Kapvay as a "dog"product, anybody here remember that groundbreaking drug called Equetro, how did you rockstars do selling that piece of s**t?

The culture is good. My RD is great, always striving to improve and make Shire a better place to work.
I wish people would avoid using so much profanity on here, it's so unprofessional.
What if our physicians were to see this? Just makes the image of pharma reps look bad. There are more professional ways of getting your point across without dropping f bombs...just saying!