- Vagitarian   Mar 25, 2014 at 05:07: PM
Well-Known Member
Just doing my civic duty - LOL? Seriously, I want encourage anyone here over 50 to get the Shingles vaccine. It can be given if you are over 50 but you will have top pay for it. Over 60? You may have to pay for it depending on your insurance. Don't let that stop you. Trust me, paying for it is worth it. I have just watch my girlfriend go through 4 weeks of hell with it. It is FINALLY tapering off. She described it as a similar pain level as childbirth. Ironically, she was anti-vaccine but will be getting this one in 3 months. I got mine 2 years ago, the day before I retired. So trust me on this one, after what I saw, the vaccine is well worth the $200+ if you have to pay for it.