Shareholder Revolt !

Told you all this was going to happen. Do you think an investment company is going to run the company as poorly has it has been since conception. This means more than half of you all are going away. Look around and say good-bye to half of your team. Usually, they do not just keep high achievers, base pay is important also.

Usually they do this to keep the stock from pummeling in the open market and then nothing happens until the company is sold to a pharma company in a year.
won’t take that long to sell. None of the managers positions have been replaced- open your eyes head count is about to be cut in 1/2 or worse there is no reason tk have a company who needs tymlos? There is a generic alternative coming in the market this year and then bye bye sales force. Then a few cbd people for overweight people? Makes sense said no one ever

Here is an update on your status after the company is purchased and then given to a Pharma company at below market value. The executive and leadership team will receive a pre-determined large payment. This has been or is in the process of being negotiated. However the rest of the team will be given what the federal government mandates, which is small severance and can included health insurance for a bit. You all have been taken advantage of, hope this makes you very angry. Voice your concerns and thoughts now, ask questions, explore what legal and job options soon. Good Luck

I’m waiting for the RSU buyout. Might not be alot to some but it’s alot to me. Once that’s done I just pray to get a package and then I’m outta there. Worst roller coaster ride I’ve ever been on. See ya Radius.

Here is an update on your status after the company is purchased and then given to a Pharma company at below market value. The executive and leadership team will receive a pre-determined large payment. This has been or is in the process of being negotiated. However the rest of the team will be given what the federal government mandates, which is small severance and can included health insurance for a bit. You all have been taken advantage of, hope this makes you very angry. Voice your concerns and thoughts now, ask questions, explore what legal and job options soon. Good Luck
It’s called an open door policy you can be let go at any time. Likelihood of 3-6 months with a bonus payment of 20k and cobra don’t look for health benefits past 30 days of being laid off.

I’m waiting for the RSU buyout. Might not be alot to some but it’s alot to me. Once that’s done I just pray to get a package and then I’m outta there. Worst roller coaster ride I’ve ever been on. See ya Radius.
It's been posted on the Loop. Long story short, RSUs will get the $10 value and $1 CSV. Stock options on the other hand are screwed. If they were for a purchase price over $10, they will be canceled and you will be given nothing. If they were cheaper than that (ie, you came in a LONG time ago or you were hired after the stock took a tumble) it'll be worth the potential $10. So basically everyone who came in when thr stock was over $10 is SOL if they have options to exercise and those options are "under water" (aka price of options is higher than current stock price).
I came in at $16 and lose out on any value in the options.

The important point is paying management - 11 million sounds nice
You all knew when KM came in this was going to happen. It is what he does and he was hired for that reason only. The stock options were always a joke maturity in 2-4 years. Everyone knew in the industry this was going to happen so offering options as a incentive was laughable. I will say this as politely as possible, we’re you hiding under a rock the last 2 years. If you are still at this company you either just did not want to work or brain dead. It is not going to be easy to find a new job now. There were plenty of options but things have tightened up.