Shame on Actavis


We learned today that in order to collect our severance money, we have to have not accepted another job until Feb 1. So these Actavis executives want us to be unemployed for two and a half months in order to get our money that we were promised? That is CRUEL and despicable. In this economy it is insanity to sit and wait to look for a job.

First they make us cattle call interview for our own jobs, then they extend the interviews to outsiders, we never get to meet our potential managers, they don't tell us if there are even positions to be offered, and then we just get a call on the 18th - you're in or you're out. And if we are "in" we don't even know what the job is or what the company is like because they haven't told us anything. And now we have to be unemployed in order to collect on our PROMISED severance.


We learned today that in order to collect our severance money, we have to have not accepted another job until Feb 1. So these Actavis executives want us to be unemployed for two and a half months in order to get our money that we were promised? That is CRUEL and despicable. In this economy it is insanity to sit and wait to look for a job.

First they make us cattle call interview for our own jobs, then they extend the interviews to outsiders, we never get to meet our potential managers, they don't tell us if there are even positions to be offered, and then we just get a call on the 18th - you're in or you're out. And if we are "in" we don't even know what the job is or what the company is like because they haven't told us anything. And now we have to be unemployed in order to collect on our PROMISED severance.


Where did you hear this from? I've not gotten anything in email about it? Maybe it's just rumor mill? I sure hope so! If not, I'll be joining the class action..

Where did you hear this from? I've not gotten anything in email about it? Maybe it's just rumor mill? I sure hope so! If not, I'll be joining the class action..

Unfortunately, it IS true. It is because technically we are still employed by Actavis during that time. Our severance does not begin until after that, THEN we are considered unemployed. They are saying that it is an "industry wide" rule that you can not be employed by two companies. AKA Double Dipping

If this whole process is an example of things to come then I am very worried to say the least

Folks here are a bit thick...

You can definitely look for a job -- and that should already be happening!

Many companies that are looking and/or hiring now (11/2) would be perfectly fine with you starting after Feb 1st. Many jobs aren't budgeted for until 2014 and companies have little to no benefit with individuals beginning just before the holidays (due to days off, holidays, vacations, etc.). This obviously doesn't include retail or those that need extra staff for the holidays (most pharma, biotech, healthcare organizations, do not have his need).

Bottom line: Keep your heads-up, keep positive, keep interviewing, take a vacation if it comes to a cut, and begin the new job in February 2014. Sound good?

We learned today that in order to collect our severance money, we have to have not accepted another job until Feb 1. So these Actavis executives want us to be unemployed for two and a half months in order to get our money that we were promised? That is CRUEL and despicable. In this economy it is insanity to sit and wait to look for a job.

First they make us cattle call interview for our own jobs, then they extend the interviews to outsiders, we never get to meet our potential managers, they don't tell us if there are even positions to be offered, and then we just get a call on the 18th - you're in or you're out. And if we are "in" we don't even know what the job is or what the company is like because they haven't told us anything. And now we have to be unemployed in order to collect on our PROMISED severance.


You embarrassed yourself. This is industry wide. Severance starts 60 days past your notification and you are paid up until then. If you get a job, you do not have to report that. Get your facts

Karma is a *itch Warner people....this is punishment for the way Carl and Roger treated people especially those from P&G. At least we got our severance regardless and it was a whole year. They didn't write any protection for the people of WC into the deal because they didn't care about the people only lining their own pockets. I am truly empathetic to the people who didn't know any better about Warner. Those corrupted long termers are another story. You reap what you sow. Good lucking finding anything with WC on your resume.

That's outrageous. I am infuriated and will get a lawyer if it comes down to that.

The can not force us to be unemployed.

You have Warn for two months; so technically you are still employed until feb, if you are laid off this month. Please remember that a severance check is NOT an entitlement, period! It si free money; to that end, Actavis can put any stipulation on it that they choose. If more than 50 people, are let go at once, you are entitled to a two month WARNing, and thats it! You are not entitled to a penny. If Actavis wants "their" money to be used only for those that cant find a job, and NOT to provide a windfall for employed people, its their choice.

Where did you hear this from? I've not gotten anything in email about it? Maybe it's just rumor mill? I sure hope so! If not, I'll be joining the class action..

What class action? Severance is not an entitlement. If do not have a job, and need the assistance, Actavis will give you free money. If you have a job, you will get a regular check from your employer. My wife is an employment lawyer, for 20 years, and trust me there is no legal standing here. In fact, you are WC employees, and WC is out of business, Actavis owes you nothing.

wc has place many stipulations on severance pay, i heard that only 75% of the laid off will receive a proportional amount of severance. again, WC is no longer a company and will maintain no obligation to the field. sad but true.

Shame on you WC people. Take what you get and like it!! Only 20% of you will be hired by our company!

Not true. we have been told by "people in the know" on cafepharma that the Actavis reps will be fired and WE will keep our jobs. We have been promised by anonymous types that there will be very few of us let go, since WE are the superior reps. We have been promised by these anonymous types that Actavis is interviewing external candidates for our jobs, just for sport; perhaps to create a little buzz. We were promised., that for the most part these jobs awere going to the legacy WC reps.

So there, you know not what you speak of; no more than 10% of us highly experienced WC reps will be fired. Afterall we average less 22 months of pharma sales experience, and have been trained by the most ethical sales force in the industry. Why would ANYONE not want to keep us?

So- My job is eliminated on Nov 18th. Told I am going to get paid til Feb and then get severence. BUT- I get a job Dec 1. Do I still get severence? DM told us that even if we get severed, we have to stay with Actavis until Feb in order to get a severence. True or False? Please, no name calling or childish answers.

Actavis online wording: If my job is eliminated, how much advance notice will I receive?
Integration planning is ongoing, and specifics related to impacts on Colleague jobs have not been finally determined. Decisions relating to organization structure, job assignments and job eliminations will be communicated after closing.
If you are a U.S. Colleague and your job is eliminated in connection with the combination of Warner Chilcott and Actavis, we will endeavor to provide you with at least two months’ notice, but in all cases we will provide notice in accordance with your employment agreement, if applicable, and any applicable law. This will permit us to conduct an orderly transition of activities and provide Colleagues as much time as possible to support their transition to new employment. You may be required to work through all or a portion of this notice period. Regardless of whether you are required to work through all or a portion of your notice period, you will remain employed during this time and you will receive your regular compensation and benefits for the duration of the notice period. Any severance entitlements will commence on your termination date.
If you are a Colleague outside the U.S. and your job is eliminated in connection with the combination of Warner Chilcott and Actavis, we will provide notice in accordance with your employment agreement, if applicable, and any local legal notice requirements, including works’ council consultation to the extent required.
If you have questions, please contact your local HR manager.
5. If my job is eliminated as a result of the transaction, will I receive a severance package?
We expect to provide a standard severance policy for at least 18 months following the closing of the combination. If your job is eliminated as a result of the transaction, you will be entitled to receive a severance package under this severance policy or as defined in any applicable employment contract.

So- My job is eliminated on Nov 18th. Told I am going to get paid til Feb and then get severence. BUT- I get a job Dec 1. Do I still get severence? DM told us that even if we get severed, we have to stay with Actavis until Feb in order to get a severence. True or False? Please, no name calling or childish answers.

Actavis online wording: If my job is eliminated, how much advance notice will I receive?
Integration planning is ongoing, and specifics related to impacts on Colleague jobs have not been finally determined. Decisions relating to organization structure, job assignments and job eliminations will be communicated after closing.
If you are a U.S. Colleague and your job is eliminated in connection with the combination of Warner Chilcott and Actavis, we will endeavor to provide you with at least two months’ notice, but in all cases we will provide notice in accordance with your employment agreement, if applicable, and any applicable law. This will permit us to conduct an orderly transition of activities and provide Colleagues as much time as possible to support their transition to new employment. You may be required to work through all or a portion of this notice period. Regardless of whether you are required to work through all or a portion of your notice period, you will remain employed during this time and you will receive your regular compensation and benefits for the duration of the notice period. Any severance entitlements will commence on your termination date.
If you are a Colleague outside the U.S. and your job is eliminated in connection with the combination of Warner Chilcott and Actavis, we will provide notice in accordance with your employment agreement, if applicable, and any local legal notice requirements, including works’ council consultation to the extent required.
If you have questions, please contact your local HR manager.
5. If my job is eliminated as a result of the transaction, will I receive a severance package?
We expect to provide a standard severance policy for at least 18 months following the closing of the combination. If your job is eliminated as a result of the transaction, you will be entitled to receive a severance package under this severance policy or as defined in any applicable employment contract.

After termination, you receive a 60 day warn notice where you technically still work for Actavis. It's the law. During that time you are unable to work for another company. Once the 60 days is up, you can start working for another company and you will still get severance and bonus paid out. Start interviewing during 60 days, they won't make you work obviously and you are still getting paid. Paid to interview, pretty sweet. Then, if offered, be upfront and let them know when your start day can be. Then, you'll have a new job and will get double pay for however long your severance lasts . Not bad . 60 day warn notice and severance are both paid without working but are separate. Can't work during warn, can work during severance around Feb 1st.

oK...what about the company car during the 2 months? I can't imagine they would pay for us to use their car during that time.

And- I got an offer to start a new job mid Dec. I would be crazy not to take it if I am severed. They won't wait til Feb...I will lose the offer...what do I do?