Shaking any Head


Will you idiots stop the madness? Adu is NEVER getting approved! It is never getting sold and it definitely is never getting launched. It don’t matter how many unethical things Biogen does it ain’t gonna happen. Ever!!!


Will you idiots stop the madness? Adu is NEVER getting approved! It is never getting sold and it definitely is never getting launched. It don’t matter how many unethical things Biogen does it ain’t gonna happen. Ever!!!

Hey idiot. It was approved. Doses have been sold. And it launched.

I 100% agree with the sentiment of your post. This is a shit product with a shit launch that is an albatross around Biogen's neck. But get your facts right or tighten up your talking points before posting.

Will you idiots stop the madness? Adu is NEVER getting approved! It is never getting sold and it definitely is never getting launched. It don’t matter how many unethical things Biogen does it ain’t gonna happen. Ever!!!

I’m praying for you. All of the “never” posts are highly indicative of a significant mental illness. I hope that you get the help you need.

Saying it’s been approved, launched, that is covered, that it’s sold, that is prescribed. Does not make it so! Lol give it up. This dog was DOA. It hasn’t nor will it ever be approved.