Heard today that we bought out a couple of Stryker reps in New England recently. Hope they can bring as much business on as they have claimed to leadership. Things must be going great in Mahwah!! haha
Another recycled so-called strategy from the past code named the "pinnacle" program. Lure competitors with an absurd comp plan (like 35% or 40% commission plus signing bonus and a big guarantee) for the first couple of years and hope they can convert enough business to justify the outrageous hit on profitability. They never bring as much business as they say they can then they leave or we ask them to leave when the lottery money is gone. When will we learn?
Heard today that we bought out a couple of Stryker reps in New England recently. Hope they can bring as much business on as they have claimed to leadership. Things must be going great in Mahwah!! haha
why would a rep ever leave Stryker for Smith & Nephew?
why would a rep ever leave Stryker for Smith & Nephew?
why would a rep ever leave Stryker for Smith & Nephew?
Heard today that we bought out a couple of Stryker reps in New England recently. Hope they can bring as much business on as they have claimed to leadership. Things must be going great in Mahwah!! haha
No disrespect to any of the reps here, but New England is the most difficult territory in the country wether you work in device or pharma. It is tightly controlled by a very small number of players. I laugh my head off that the rest of the USA views us as so liberal. This is an extremely difficult market to succeed in, not to mention one of the most expensive places to just make ends meet.
Heard today that we bought out a couple of Stryker reps in New England recently. Hope they can bring as much business on as they have claimed to leadership. Things must be going great in Mahwah!! haha
Well, these boys are bringing in the business!
How many Stryker reps and managers have we brought over in New England now? I think it's safe to say the noose is tightening boys and we are going to push out the old guard in New England.