SF Rowasa AB rating


I am a pharmacist and have a prescriptions for SF Rowasa for a patient. I have found that the FDA has given this drug an AB rating to generic products that contain the metabisulfite and are thus not SF (sulfite free). Can anyone familiar with the SF Rowasa explain this to me? I hate to think of even trying to get an answer from the FDA. THanks in advance.

I am a pharmacist and have a prescriptions for SF Rowasa for a patient. I have found that the FDA has given this drug an AB rating to generic products that contain the metabisulfite and are thus not SF (sulfite free). Can anyone familiar with the SF Rowasa explain this to me? I hate to think of even trying to get an answer from the FDA. THanks in advance.

Not sure, I think there was a movie called Hotel Rowasa with Don Chedle in it though, go on IMDB.com maybe youll get your anser there.

wow... pleasant answers to my serious inquiry. I remember the day drug reps could answer questions about their company's product. The good old days I guess. Maybe that's why drug rep jobs are disappearing. Good riddance.

Sorry, about the crap my colleagues have given you.
Unfortunately, these days anything can be used against you.
Even on a forum like this if we were to answer this...we could be tracked down and killed.
As you know, the pharmaceautical industry is under much scrutiny and very much in the spot light.
This has forced unprecedented tactics in protection of information.
If you have ever seen any of the "Bourne" movies, then you know what kinds of measures they are capable of.
You are a pharmacist, just ask your rep when he/she comes in.
We pride ourselves on making 6 - 8 pharmacies per day!
We are an industry leader! There are many days I make 20 pharmacy calls as well as my 12 physician calls per day. I wake up an hour before I go to bed so I can fit all my activities in!
Where are you located? I will make sure the rep in that area comes in and "tells" you the information you are requesting!

wow... pleasant answers to my serious inquiry. I remember the day drug reps could answer questions about their company's product. The good old days I guess. Maybe that's why drug rep jobs are disappearing. Good riddance.

Yeah group a nationwide field of people together because a few individuals wrote you a wise response.

I remember the good old days when people reached out to reliable contacts for information on confidential finance or indication information.

I guess you have no friends or are just a complete shit for brains. Maybe thats why you wont come back to this board. Good riddance friendless r*****.

Dear "Pharmacist"
My apologies for nearly all the MEDA reps who replied to your post. You will find that this company has a unique ability to hire pretty much the least professional group you will find in the market place. If they can bash you...make fun of you....or try to verbally hurt you...THEY WILL.
They are raising themselves up by tearing everyone else down.
Kinda like being the tallest midget in room.

Listen here you tough "TALL" guy,
we prefer the term "Little people"!
Midget is politically incorrect, and hurts our feelings!
Do you feel like such a BIG GUY now?
You are an ass!

I am a pharmacist and have a prescriptions for SF Rowasa for a patient. I have found that the FDA has given this drug an AB rating to generic products that contain the metabisulfite and are thus not SF (sulfite free). Can anyone familiar with the SF Rowasa explain this to me? I hate to think of even trying to get an answer from the FDA. THanks in advance.

Cannot believe a pharmacist is on this site asking such a question.

Listen here you tough "TALL" guy,
we prefer the term "Little people"!
Midget is politically incorrect, and hurts our feelings!
Do you feel like such a BIG GUY now?
You are an ass!

It is because of "political correctness" that this country is heading down a bad road. How is it that "political correctness" has increased, yet treating peolple with respect has decreased?
Answer that one with out name calling. You know I am right.
political correctness has worked, like spending more money on education has worked>
Not one frickin bit. 5 teachers for every student would not change things a bit.