Sexual Harassment Problem

Next, could be asking someone on a date, as sexual harassment? I liked the good old days, where rarely any real sex harassment occurred.

Every day, the new harassment is something no one thought up until the old one (a day ago) happened.

I hear Amgen is having a major problem with sexual harassment these days. Anyone heard about this?

It has been a problem for years. I lost my job At ARI. I am a male and was being harassed by a female co worker i brought it to HR to be addressed and two weeks later i was let go.
You can wipe your ass with amgen values they mean nothing.

It is because many of their managers came from Pfizer. THe sexual harassment is terrible over there.

How that they have another layoff, I would expect a bunch of them to be hired again by the Pfizer managers now at AMgen. Won't that be great!

Really. Do we need to address this issue in this industry....It has been going on for the 20 years that I've been doing this. Reps getting hired because of their physical appeal and more importantly, incompetent, immature bufoons getting promoted to management because of one or two years of sales achievement that act inappropriate because they don't know any better and abuse their position; the Napoleon principle runs rampant in this industry

I think what's not being discussed if even recognized is the woman on woman harassment that is rampant now that we have female egos in leadership roles who treat other women badly.

Very much agreed, these people need to be exposed and painfully embarassed. At most, they will be caught off-guard, maybe watch their backs a little better and move on to other places where they will exhibit the same sleezy, unprofessional behavior. The extent to which you hear stories about this kind of stuff is so sad it's almost laughable.