Severence Packages

The severance package will be a painting from the palace. The painting is valued at 4 million dollars by Marc. He will give an additional $100 dollars if you can decipher what female genitalia the artwork resembles. As if this is already not enough to be set for life. He will also assist you with your new job search by donating a butterfly shaped desk. (nobody is using them here anyway). The final piece of icing on the cake will be a beanbag chair that Marc designed during the time Therrx was actually successful. These beanbag chairs were made by Marc and were critical to the success of the company. Victor had him make these to keep him away from the business.

Good Luck

I don't claim now but I would think the minimum amount possible. Unless you are the CEO or CFO then you have 2 years plus medical if memory serves. Are you the CEO by any chance? If you are I guess that's par for the course coming to CF for info.

Seriously find something while you have a check coming in. I bet they will read this and a voice mail will come soon with + reinforcement.

Just remember they changed the policy days before the last layoffs to screw the employees.

Good luck and don't forget your Roundup gift promised from Marketing. As promised we will eradicate the weed of Compounding 17 P

Days are numbered

- Insider

I understand that you want to know but, lets be realistic whatever you have been told by anyone here or elsewhere is most likely false. At this point nobody knows. Good luck and start looking for a new job

Don't believe the crap they spew. Creditors want their cash and nothing will be left except the new office.
Why do you think they moved to Chesterfield. Its a short drive to Greg and get-a-clue's house.

Good luck to all...and to all turn the lights out

Signed ....Beware of the pip

The name Get-A-Clue came from a man I knew very well, small in some areas, yet I thought he was Get-A-Clue's friend...I am sure this post came from him or I would bet it did...loser, loser, loser!

Who cares, we all call him get a clue. He was clue less. The little guy should have ran the department but I can't remember his name. Some of us call him Get a clue-less. Does it matter really?