What is the most efficient way to get severed from gsk if you aren’t let go during a reorg? Is it possible or just best to quit and not try for one?
What do you mean by severed? Leaving with a severance package?
You have to be let go via re-org, redundancy, etc. Don't say you want to leave and want a package. That guarantees that you will stay. If anything, talk about what a nightmare it would be to lose your job- bills, kids in school, elderly parents, etc. - and you will move to the front of the Let Go Line.
I was referencing exactly that. How to get a package if kept after a massive reorg.
Sorry to hear it. However, in the endless game of musical chairs, your time will eventually come. Never indicate that you WANT to go. The days of "volunteering" are over.
If your boss is cool , tell him you want to leave and get him/her to start managing you out. It will take 3-4 months but you can get a package that way . I know several people that have done that successfully
If your boss isn’t “cool” then just start sucking at your job and give them reasons to manage you out. Lots of people at GSK have done it that way. Start questioning strategies , policies etc…. It will work.
Wouldn’t doing this just get you fired or when you get managed out does that come with a package as well?
The official name of this is termination by agreement.
Yes, the solution is to be consistently mediocre or half-ass in your job. Do the selling part poorly.
Don’t do something stupid like cheat on an expense report or commit a severe compliance violation. They can fire quick and easy for those.
Fail to complete some tasks on timely basis. Display a attitude of complacency and openly complain about aspects of the org to your manager.
As they begin to manage you out, continue the pattern of poor performance with an occasional improvement but follow that quickly with another poor attitude episode.
You’ll get an offer. A full termination is a lot of work and not without legal risk for the org. Termination by agreement gets you out more easily for them and you waive rights to pursue any legal action. In other words, they buy you out.
I did exactly that and got the package.If your boss is cool , tell him you want to leave and get him/her to start managing you out. It will take 3-4 months but you can get a package that way . I know several people that have done that successfully
Risky. What if your boss isn't as "cool" as you think? Bide your time and keep your mouth shut. The bell is going to toll for everyone.
well since it seems as though they are pressured to manager people out and give bad ratings I am sure that they would love to have a volunteer.