

You will be an inactive employee for 60 days. Basically, nothing changes other than they get your car and you ship back all their crap. Your gas card will be shut off within 48 hours of you being notified. car will be picked up in 2 or 3 weeks. Be sure to check your pay slips, they will charge you the 70 bucks for the car after they pick it up if you don't email them and tell them to stop. After the 60 days inactive, you will get a payout of accrued vacation time on next payday. Approx 4 weeks after the last inactive day you will get a lump sum payout based on number of years. You should stop 401k contributions within 30 days of notification you will be terminated. Otherwise that will be an additional % taken from the final payout. You will wind up receiving roughly 60 % of the number they give you due to taxes. Benefits will be supplied by AZ for 6 months from last day of inactive status.

You will be an inactive employee for 60 days. Basically, nothing changes other than they get your car and you ship back all their crap. Your gas card will be shut off within 48 hours of you being notified. car will be picked up in 2 or 3 weeks. Be sure to check your pay slips, they will charge you the 70 bucks for the car after they pick it up if you don't email them and tell them to stop. After the 60 days inactive, you will get a payout of accrued vacation time on next payday. Approx 4 weeks after the last inactive day you will get a lump sum payout based on number of years. You should stop 401k contributions within 30 days of notification you will be terminated. Otherwise that will be an additional % taken from the final payout. You will wind up receiving roughly 60 % of the number they give you due to taxes. Benefits will be supplied by AZ for 6 months from last day of inactive status.

If you are the type that trusts the company to do the right thing and not cheat you, then you had better wise up really fast. You need to check every benefit, every dollar, and know exactly what they owe you. They will fuck you over and never look back. Remember, you are a cost item to them, nothing more. And if you think you were a well respected and highly valued employee who they would never cheat. Guess again. Everyone is simply a cost item to them now. This has nothing to do with integrity or honesty or empathy for a loyal employee. Everyone is a potential victim.

If you are the type that trusts the company to do the right thing and not cheat you, then you had better wise up really fast. You need to check every benefit, every dollar, and know exactly what they owe you. They will fuck you over and never look back. Remember, you are a cost item to them, nothing more. And if you think you were a well respected and highly valued employee who they would never cheat. Guess again. Everyone is simply a cost item to them now. This has nothing to do with integrity or honesty or empathy for a loyal employee. Everyone is a potential victim.
Really??? The company does not want to be sued so once you agree to take the severance there is no recourse.

Really??? The company does not want to be sued so once you agree to take the severance there is no recourse.

you need to talk to some of those that have gone before you. i have had two counterparts leave with a severance one in each of the last two layoffs and both of them talk about the nightmare dealing with AZ to get what they were promised. your new contact will always be a contractor who doesn't give a shit about AZ or what a great employee you were. try getting an answer to a question or someone to look into an overcharge. or try getting someone to explain that your numbers don't match what you were told when you signed the confidentiality agreement or to challenge a deduction from your lump sum because they found some outstanding charge you left unsettled. from now on it is simply saving a buck for AZ. i heard horror stories from both veterans that i highly respected. they were never complainers until AZ's contractors started crapping on them.

you need to talk to some of those that have gone before you. i have had two counterparts leave with a severance one in each of the last two layoffs and both of them talk about the nightmare dealing with AZ to get what they were promised. your new contact will always be a contractor who doesn't give a shit about AZ or what a great employee you were. try getting an answer to a question or someone to look into an overcharge. or try getting someone to explain that your numbers don't match what you were told when you signed the confidentiality agreement or to challenge a deduction from your lump sum because they found some outstanding charge you left unsettled. from now on it is simply saving a buck for AZ. i heard horror stories from both veterans that i highly respected. they were never complainers until AZ's contractors started crapping on them.

This has a lot of truth to it. My previous DSM volunteered for separation in 09 and had multiple issues. He said they reduced his lump sum because they had made a calculation error. He ended up getting an Attorney and it took almost two years to get it resolved. AZ fought him over a less than $5,000.

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