Regardless of your fate, get your resume updated, print all of your ranking reports, reviews and awards before you lose your computer. Even if you are one of the lucky ones to have a job, get out! It wont be long before there will be no more reps. I suggest getting into the ring now with interviewing.. There are many reps from other companies that have been interviewing for months/years and have learned from their experience interviewing. Sharpen your skills, search websites on interviewing skills, anything that will help improve your chances of landing something quick. The competition for jobs is fierce. The position I landed had 90 candidates. Various experience all looking for anything to keep their head above water and support their families. Be ready for disappointment, spending tons of time preparing only to lose out to someone who was a better "fit". It's crunch time folks..instead of coming on here and wondering what the latest rumors are, do yourself and your families a favor and search job sites instead and post for jobs you want! Take it from someone who learned the hard way. I'm just paying it forward. I wish someone would have given me the same advice! Instead I was unemployed and nervous as hell wondering if I would have to put my house up for sale. See the writing on the wall! Get out of pharma now! Any jobs that are available in pharma are contract and/or fixed duration. In order to secure your future, stay away from pharma openings. Happy Hunting.. if you havent already, job hunt starts tomorrow! Might as well find a job on novartis' dime.