Severance Package Details


I feel very badly for those who are let go. I am really hoping that it's not me. I looked at the severance package on the intranet (just do a search for it) and it is by far the worst I have ever seen. It must be accurate though because it was revised in late 2010. My husband is currently unemployed and we have a baby on the way- with a severance like that I honestly don't know how we will get through. I can't understand why they don't have enough respect for us to at least give everyone a decent severance. For the employees they do retain how can they expect for them to have respect for the company they work for if they do not appropriately take care of the people they let go?

should have thought twice about having a rug rat while poor hubby has no job,,,stupid bitch

You're right. Im such a stupid bitch. I shoulda aborted the demon when I was a cool 6 months pregnant...that is, after all, when my husband lost his job. What was I thinking? I'm so worthless, I guess I should just kill myself now. Asshole.

Man what a bitter person to leave a reply to the post. There are always bad apples in any group! Let's hope your not laid off for the baby and family sake! One good thing about this company is their health insurance!

The severance package on line is not the one being offered. It is much more generous and it will be a lump sum payout so you can also collect unemployment and keep your insurance for awhile too.

Do not worry about your job. If you are pregnant and they let you go, not good for dsi. You are probably in a really good spot. Do not listen to any jerks on this board. My guess is the people who write such horrible things have nothing better to do. Good luck to you.

If the online severance package is accurate, this awaits you:

Less than 5 years service: 2 weeks pay and a THANK YOU

5 years or more: 4 weeks pay and a THANK YOU

That's it. Oh, don't forget that you car will be picked up in a few days, so don't forget to take a long drive to all of your caterers to get enough food on the company dime to survive and send all your receipts gumbanded to a brick straight through the window of our grand CEO at his annual RICH ASSHOLE PARTY on Millionaire Avenue.

Is this company serious with this severance package? Are they so naive that they don't recognize that their worst enemy is a pissed off former rep? Don't they know that many of us will end up with another company in the same territory. Angry reps can do a lot of damage if given the chance and the motivation...for instance: toss DSI samples in the garbage, toss STL cards, cancel DSI lunches, spread rumors of DOJ investigation to POD speakers, and the list goes on, and on, and on.

You don't treat people like this. You gotta think head office monitors these boards during times like this. IS ANYONE AT DSI LISTENING? My Novartis competitor had 5 years in, and got a severance from December thru July 11. Six months is the industry NORM, not the exception!

You wanna play with the big boys, you better act like the big boys. Otherwise, we're all better off getting the call tomorrow (or the next day...or if it's par for this course, next Monday).