Severance details???

Six weeks severence, but NO BONUS! My bonus after taxes would have been greater than my severence before taxes. I am so disgusted with Shitiva, but it just dosn't matter. IT IS DONE!

Same here. I can understand if the company doesn't make any money they can't pay bonuses. Except the fact they put it in writing and it would be unethical. It's not like they filed bankruptcy. I have been printing emails and saving files for the past 2 days. The only one I cant get is the IC plan for Q1 because it is archived and they locked us out. Does anybody really expect to see a bonus check for Q2?

Post #6 here. Been with the company almost one year in just a few days. I understand the company had the right to change the bonus structure because they made sure to write that in the fine print. My severence and bonus after taxes would have been over $11K. Now I am getting under $6K. Sure could have used the cash while looking for another job. Always got a sleazy feeling about working for Strativa. Now I understand why. Sleazy paid the bills, but I never felt good about it.

Layoffs are understandable, bonus not beeing paid sucks but I guess they had to make a business decision. However, get this. The reps who were saved are getting a guaranteed 5k just to stay. Its an incentive bonus. Now if they can get 5k I should be able to get my friggen bonus from Q1.
And by the way only the top 5% of Oravig reps got paid. I wasnt there but I did well.

This pisses me off.

Current reps are getting a retention bonus, not a "incentive" bonus. Plus, we arent getting bonused on Oravig, Zuplenz if Team 1 also, and we are losing a ton of $ too. It is a shit move and some people benefited, but people that performed, like me, lost out on more than double what they would have got from Q1 and Q2 bonuses! I got $5k but would have gotten like $12k over the two quarters.

Read the fine print to that "retention bonus". You have to be an indentured servant for them for a year. If you are fortunate enough to escape, you owe them the 5000.00. They aren't scared of people leaving, they just want to make sure they have every legal option covered to make sure you get screwed.