Serious Times = Serious Comments


I check in every so often to see if I can learn anything new or maybe even comment.

There's a lot going on with this company. It's serious and affects a lot of people and lives.

Why not leave this board alone for insightful dialogue ?

I cannot imagine what people would waste their time and effort to think up such meaningless, wasteful things.

If you're not happy at B&L, for any reason, get another job. Do you think your idiotic comments have any value ? Any value at all ? They're not even funny. Just stupid...

I wish it weren't true, but you're going to rip me up for my comments and say I'm from HR, or drank some kool-aid, or some useless, negative crap. Nope, just a fellow employee looking for some answers and finding nothing but whining, slackers who should take some of their god given talent and use it in a positive way.

If I wanted to - in three sentences, I could make you think for days about yourself and your self-doubt. Why would I do that ? It's about being a good person and trying to fix things and not drive them further into the ground. Remember ? Being a good person ? Kind, loving ? Remember? A human being.

Have at it.

I would like to hear what you could say "in three sentences that could make you think for days about yourself and your self-doubt." Not busting chops. Seriously interested, but some how I think you over estimate your power of introspection (come on, it was a bold claim).

As for insightful dialogue, there is a lot on this board. Unfortunately it is mostly pessimistic. Just because it is negative, doesn't make it wrong. Unfortunately it is probably correct.

Aside from the nonsense stupid posts. There are many posts written from people who clearly know the market, know the company, worked or are still working there. The overwhelming majority is negative. It wasn't always that way. Years ago this message board was positive for B&L. I took the job because the posts were positive and the job was great and the culture was awesome when I first arrived. I've long since left when warburg came in. The turn was immediate and noticeable. I have been on this board for years telling people, there are way better opportunities available to you if you are a real salesperson.

You're still there. Have at it. Post something positive about the job you do everyday.
Do you bring value to your customer? How so?
Does their business suffer without you?
Does your product meet an unmet need?
Does your company value you?
Does your management?

How many reps before you were in your territory?

I know your RX job, did it 10 reps before you.
The answer to all of them is No and many reps before you. Unfortunately that means you are very easily replaced and that position has been many times. That's why the answer to all the other questions are no.

In my current role.
The answer is yes to every one and the last answer is 0. When you're the only one that has ever done what you do at a company, you have tremendous value and they treat you accordingly. Makes all the difference.

Choose the path less traveled. You will be much happier and make much more money.

B&L isn't going to last.
When your best days are behind you, you're a has been. B&L is a has been. The reps deserve better. You deserve better and can achieve more.

There, that was positive and insightful, wasn't it?

Good Post.

In fact the bottom line is be productive and help the company and you will be successful and continue to have a job. You don't need to kill yourself working - just work. If the company makes money then you make money. It's not that difficult to figure out.

How was that?

Good Post.

In fact the bottom line is be productive and help the company and you will be successful and continue to have a job. You don't need to kill yourself working - just work. If the company makes money then you make money. It's not that difficult to figure out.

How was that?

Give it up. WP and B&L management are trying their best to dump the whole company and your jobs along with it. Squishy motivational psycology is not going to make the dumpy at B&L work any harder for you. Based on B&L and WP management their will be a new management at B&L by the end of the year anyway. You should save up your energy for the new management when they come in. The current management is history.

Anybody who has worked long enough knows that when companies have broadcast their plans to be acquired or sold to another, it doesn't work out too well for the people at the bottom. The sales reps are, unfortunately, a dime a dozen to these companies and represent the relative bottom. If you don't think you can be replaced by another person or think your relationships are so strong that no new rep can replace you, then you are living in denial. We're all replaceable. All of us.

So my serious comment is that you better do what's in your best interest and your family's best interest. If you think that means working harder and and waving your flag higher than your colleagues then so be it. Work hard. Wave your flag. Hope your boss gives you those kudos so you can get affirmation you are working hard. Otherwise be ready to fend for yourself. Look at our latest acquisition of Ista. A lot of reps who thought they were solid found themselves on shaky ground and then soon found themselves out of a job. If your memory is so short that you've forgotten, then maybe you should just keep your head down and tow the line. If you understand history and business then you will want to open your eyes to other possibilities. Nobody has got your back at this company. Nobody is looking to part the Red Sea and give you a free pass. The time is getting shorter each day for you to make a decision. In the end it doesn't matter to anybody else but you. So do what you think is best.