Serious question about the turnover rate in hospital?


Typically it's 5-10% in pharma sales. I hear with hospital at Forest it's closer to 25%. Is this accurate? Why's that number so high? I don't understand how they expect to launch an antibiotic so quickly.

I am not a part of the hospital force but have been with the company for some time. I understand the management expectations are nuts. Also there is no coaching of any sort from management. It is a culture of just 'burn and churn'. The effort has had its obvious setbacks. When reps ask managers for advice or ideas they are met with a simple 'that's your job, figure it out.'

Seriously it is not a great place. Many were excited at the opportunity of the hospital expansion. Now they are saying 'what did I get myself into?'

Yes, I would estimate that 25% hospital rep turnover is accurate. Many reasons for this, but in my opinion it's unrealistic expectations. Management direction is unrealistic. Company expects to launch an antibiotic as if it were in the retail drug market. Go "wide and deep", "you don't need ID's support to get this on formulary," "see your IDs every week", "do lots of programs," etc. They will just not allow the Teflaro launch to take its natural course. There was a very detailed post on another thread as to why this launch has been such a mess. It's an excellent post...make sure you read it.

Yes, I would estimate that 25% hospital rep turnover is accurate. Many reasons for this, but in my opinion it's unrealistic expectations. Management direction is unrealistic. Company expects to launch an antibiotic as if it were in the retail drug market. Go "wide and deep", "you don't need ID's support to get this on formulary," "see your IDs every week", "do lots of programs," etc. They will just not allow the Teflaro launch to take its natural course. There was a very detailed post on another thread as to why this launch has been such a mess. It's an excellent post...make sure you read it.

Management does not know anything about hospital market and is trying to get reps to sell this product likes its Lexapro or Namenda- and thats wrong.
expect to see contined turnover because management will not change

It WAS a terrible division to work in and I had 10 years of hospital experience prior to this. I left along with many others and frankly........25% might be low in terms of turnover. You won't get much support from management and it is a very degrading culture.

it's awful, do whatever you can to not come into the hospital division. Threatening, micromanagement at it's best! Len has NO IDEA what he is doing, have never worked under someone so awful! it's all retail to him!!

It WAS a terrible division to work in and I had 10 years of hospital experience prior to this. I left along with many others and frankly........25% might be low in terms of turnover. You won't get much support from management and it is a very degrading culture.

Very true! The best thing about the hospital division is the drug itself. Teflaro is a very good drug and will do well in the long run. Too bad that while Teflaro grows (I am sure too slowly for Elaine & Gerard) everyone will continue to jump ship. Forest has proved itself to be an organization that NO ONE respects. Too bad!

Yes, Teflaro is a very good drug and the sales figures will progressively improve as each year passes. Unfortunately, company isn't willing to wait that long. I learned so much at training from some great reps with many years of anti-infective hospital experience, however, they are no longer here...or currently interviewing at other companies.

I am not a part of the hospital force but have been with the company for some time. I understand the management expectations are nuts. Also there is no coaching of any sort from management. It is a culture of just 'burn and churn'. The effort has had its obvious setbacks. When reps ask managers for advice or ideas they are met with a simple 'that's your job, figure it out.'

Seriously it is not a great place. Many were excited at the opportunity of the hospital expansion. Now they are saying 'what did I get myself into?'

You are supposed to be an experienced hospital rep, asking for help, or propositioning your monkey for advice is a no brain peon move. That is what our PC reps do at Forest, or should I say what the majority of Forest does. You were not hired and taking an invest and chance on to ask for help and advice with moving the business. There is a reason why Forest put ALL new hires in every division on the watch list and on probation for your first 6 months, that is because they want to either quickly make money off of you and churn it and burn it, and not take the risk on you if after 6 months you are not performing. You are basically interviewing for the first year at Forest after you are hired, many reps get canned or quit due to the culture and pressure to push the sales needle, so it works out great for Forest and the 6 month probationary period, quite well...

You are supposed to be an experienced hospital rep, asking for help, or propositioning your monkey for advice is a no brain peon move. That is what our PC reps do at Forest, or should I say what the majority of Forest does. You were not hired and taking an invest and chance on to ask for help and advice with moving the business. There is a reason why Forest put ALL new hires in every division on the watch list and on probation for your first 6 months, that is because they want to either quickly make money off of you and churn it and burn it, and not take the risk on you if after 6 months you are not performing. You are basically interviewing for the first year at Forest after you are hired, many reps get canned or quit due to the culture and pressure to push the sales needle, so it works out great for Forest and the 6 month probationary period, quite well...

Interesting.... think its a stupid philosophy especially in the IV antibiotic market. What has happened is the Forest has made a horrible entrance into the ID word. And with more antibiotics coming down the pipe doesn't Forest need to build a reputation for this franchise? No, I don't think the stupid people in Forest management have a clue. Pathetic.