Serious concerns of a Republican


Why would Trump hold G7 at his Doral property? You would think he would not want to give the Dems more fuel. I would submit the decision to use his hotel is as bad as the Biden kids conflict. We went from 0 chance of impeachment to 50/50 and it impacts the market and his credibility as a whole. He is now losing the centrist Republican base, which, whether we like them or not, he needs. He is now way out on a far right, maverick limb. As the CEO of a huge company once said, “When a man gets too big for his britches, he often splits them.”


Why would Trump hold G7 at his Doral property? You would think he would not want to give the Dems more fuel. I would submit the decision to use his hotel is as bad as the Biden kids conflict. We went from 0 chance of impeachment to 50/50 and it impacts the market and his credibility as a whole. He is now losing the centrist Republican base, which, whether we like them or not, he needs. He is now way out on a far right, maverick limb. As the CEO of a huge company once said, “When a man gets too big for his britches, he often splits them.”

That is a good analogy. If a serious conservative 3rd party arises, it will suck off Rep votes like when Perot ran and that allowed Bubba C to win. We just may need to dump Trump and save our union if he doesn’t start acting sensibly.

I would submit the decision to use his hotel is as bad as the Biden kids conflict. We went from 0 chance of impeachment to 50/50 and it impacts the market and his credibility as a whole. He is now losing the centrist Republican base, which, whether we like them or not, he needs. He is now way out on a far right, maverick limb.

How so?

And how is he "now way out on a far right, maverick limb?"

We'll all be waiting on the edge of our seats for your "conservative" reply.
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How so?

And how is he "now way out on a far right, maverick limb?"

We'll all be waiting on the edge of our seats for your "conservative" reply.
A third party to challenge Trump, would be a POS Neocon. Most would rather have Warren as President anyway. Maybe they can put up their Princess, Dana Perino as a candidate.

How so?

And how is he "now way out on a far right, maverick limb?"

We'll all be waiting on the edge of our seats for your "conservative" reply.

Obviously you do not consider all Reps conservatives but still, he is to the right of many of them - like Romney. So that is what I mean. Comparatively speaking he is to the right of the Dems and each day going farther to the right of centrist, mainstream Republicans - Graham is another example. Scaramucci is another, Haiti’s another. The list is growing. These people certainly are not Democrats so I do not see the point of alienating them by doing something laden with Conflict of Interest like housing a world convention at his hotel. He is alienating centrist Republicans.

A third party to challenge Trump, would be a POS Neocon. Most would rather have Warren as President anyway. Maybe they can put up their Princess, Dana Perino as a candidate.

Pocahontas has no chance of winning.

She's not only a crook - started her entire career at the expense of real Native Americans, but she possesses an unbelievably annoying unrighteous indignation when she hypocritically attacks her opponent - usually President Trump.

She's got no chance.

Maybe they should try to get Ralph Nader to run again? But then he would draw more votes from the looney left than from the Republicans.

A third party to challenge Trump, would be a POS Neocon. Most would rather have Warren as President anyway. Maybe they can put up their Princess, Dana Perino as a candidate.

Perhaps but the neocon vote for Perot sucked away Rep votes in 1992 and allowed Clinton to win. Why risk it over an ego thing like the hotel? What is the purpose of using aTrumptel other than to line his pockets and get free advertising? Give us one good resason.

Perhaps but the neocon vote for Perot sucked away Rep votes in 1992 and allowed Clinton to win. Why risk it over an ego thing like the hotel? What is the purpose of using aTrumptel other than to line his pockets and get free advertising? Give us one good resason.

President Trump is not even taking a salary as President.

Nobody has a problem with using his hotel. I think the problem is just in your head.

Pocahontas has no chance of winning.

She's not only a crook - started her entire career at the expense of real Native Americans, but she possesses an unbelievably annoying unrighteous indignation when she hypocritically attacks her opponent - usually President Trump.

She's got no chance.

Maybe they should try to get Ralph Nader to run again? But then he would draw more votes from the looney left than from the Republicans.

Bubba had no chance either. He was just a crooked governor from a shithole state that played the saxophone - UNTIL Ross entered the race. Agree Warren can’t win but a 3 way between Biden, Romney and Trump might have. Different result. There are many RINOs who are very displeased with him allowing the ethnic when you add them acleansing that Turkey is being allowed to do by Trump not to mention the Ukraine scandal and now the profiteering of his private business for government use. We went down that road with Cheney and Halliburton.

Bubba had no chance either. He was just a crooked governor from a shithole state that played the saxophone - UNTIL Ross entered the race. Agree Warren can’t win but a 3 way between Biden, Romney and Trump might have. Different result. There are many RINOs who are very displeased with him allowing the ethnic when you add them acleansing that Turkey is being allowed to do by Trump not to mention the Ukraine scandal and now the profiteering of his private business for government use. We went down that road with Cheney and Halliburton.

Real Republicans don't use the word, "profiteering."

The word possesses an extremely negative connotation and it is only used by progressive socialists and outright communists (especially communists).

Progressive Socialists on the other hand, have no issues with their own "Socialisteering." Socialisteering is far worse in that it is an active effort to enslave the individual and deny him or her of their god given rights to pursue happiness. Those who engage in Socialisteering consciously and knowingly seek to enslave others as they enrich themselves (while claiming that individual enslavement is necessary for the good of the group).

Real Republicans don't use the word, "profiteering."

The word possesses an extremely negative connotation and it is only used by progressive socialists and outright communists (especially communists).

Progressive Socialists on the other hand, have no issues with their own "Socialisteering." Socialisteering is far worse in that it is an active effort to enslave the individual and deny him or her of their god given rights to pursue happiness. Those who engage in Socialisteering consciously and knowingly seek to enslave others as they enrich themselves (while claiming that individual enslavement is necessary for the good of the group).

Here is the way it works for the new democrats, I believe:
The natural state of humanity is belief in God - natural because God exists and is the Creator of it all. God created the universe in the Big Bang. Jesus Christ came doing miracles and saving humankind.
If you don't believe in God you are out of sinc with what is natural. But just as importantly, you will think that the critical moral and political solutions come from Man, not God. Those rights that descend from God, such the right to life and right to speak your mind freely will be anathema to you. As a socialist you will likely do what you can to squash these rights. You will deny the right to life, advocating abortion. You will hate men and women who call for free speech, low taxation, reduced regulations, and free capital markets. You will prefer a powerful central authority (like a dictator) who will decide what is best for the people rather than let the people decide for themselves. This is in fact, the core of socialism. In short, socialism prefers atheism and centralized power, while a free people hold to God and the maxim, live and let live.

President Trump is not even taking a salary as President.

Nobody has a problem with using his hotel. I think the problem is just in your head.


And when he vacations at his own properties, he saves tax payers big money while we spent big money for the Obamas and Clintons to vacation.

All the whining OP and his supporters are doing is exposing their irrationality and hypocrisy!

Bubba had no chance either. He was just a crooked governor from a shithole state that played the saxophone - UNTIL Ross entered the race. Agree Warren can’t win but a 3 way between Biden, Romney and Trump might have. Different result. There are many RINOs who are very displeased with him allowing the ethnic when you add them acleansing that Turkey is being allowed to do by Trump not to mention the Ukraine scandal and now the profiteering of his private business for government use. We went down that road with Cheney and Halliburton.

No we didn’t. You believe a rodiculousblie that has been debunked many times.

Trump wins easily! Deal with it!

Obviously you do not consider all Reps conservatives but still, he is to the right of many of them - like Romney. So that is what I mean. Comparatively speaking he is to the right of the Dems and each day going farther to the right of centrist, mainstream Republicans - Graham is another example. Scaramucci is another, Haiti’s another. The list is growing. These people certainly are not Democrats so I do not see the point of alienating them by doing something laden with Conflict of Interest like housing a world convention at his hotel. He is alienating centrist Republicans.

Good grief! Romney is in the far left edge of the party.

And any centrists in the party who allow themselves to be alienated are idiots in this great economy!

Real Republicans don't use the word, "profiteering."

The word possesses an extremely negative connotation and it is only used by progressive socialists and outright communists (especially communists).

Progressive Socialists on the other hand, have no issues with their own "Socialisteering." Socialisteering is far worse in that it is an active effort to enslave the individual and deny him or her of their god given rights to pursue happiness. Those who engage in Socialisteering consciously and knowingly seek to enslave others as they enrich themselves (while claiming that individual enslavement is necessary for the good of the group).

Extremely eloquent statement of the truth.

He will make More money that week than his salary PLUS the advertising endorsement could not be bought for millions - and that will last forever.

Good for President Trump!

But can you prove this? How do you know how much he'll make? To say it's advertising is a stretch though. Nevertheless, we're all looking forward to the figures you post on how much Trump will make by using his hotel. DO TELL!