serenity now - insanity later


Looks like all our USA sweat equity will be sent overseas. I'm becoming more of a USA Nationalist everyday - screw the global economy. The British rape and pillage continues.

Shaun's message speaks of our incredible growth, and how we are taking up more floor space in Richmond (for global activity). And for all my hard work, I get a 2% raise. My dumbass ABM tried to convince me that I should be proud of my evaluation. She has really had too much kool-aid, and I haven't had enough.

yea i can see its all about the patients here. you sit there, rubbing your filthy money smelling fingers, bitching about a raise. how's about you not having a job at all? maybe that would make you appreciate what you've got, you ingrates, damn what a bunch of whiney panty waisters. you didn't have this job, what would you do then, smart ass?

bitch bitch bitch...that's all you people do on here...only a 2% raise?? WAAAHH....meanwhile the unemployment rate is around 10%, tons of pharma reps from other companies are laid off, and you have the audacity to complain about a 2% RAISE!! GTFO of here, loser. Go sling samples for signatures. So RB is growing globally, that's a good thing last I checked. It means that the business is finally being recognized by RB HQ in England as something that's profitable and legit. As an old-timer w/ the company, I remember the days when $75 million a year in Suboxone sales was big time we are well over a billion a year.

If you don't manage to step on your dick, you will most likely be here for a long time. They are cutting the dead weight, plain and simple. Redundancy is not needed in this drug space, and CLs with territories producing little more than their salaries need to be let go. It's about patients, but it's still a for-profit business, and if you can't cut it, as I said before GTFO! Go back to big pharma and work in pods, get your call list handed to you from someone in management that knows nothing about your territory, throw samples at docs while trying to spit out a 10 second message about how your PPI beats Company X's PPI in a head to head study (funded by your company)....go feed the cows and bicker with your pod-mates and get ranked on BS ranking systems, not on $$ like RB does it (though the market-share thing last year did suck, glad to see we are back to quotas)

In summary, quit whining about your RAISE and be thankful you don't work for big pharma

As an old-timer w/ the company, I remember the days when $75 million a year in Suboxone sales was big time we are well over a billion a year.

Its pretty sad when you are considered an "old - timer" when you have only been with a company four maybe five years. Obviously you have not been under PL.

#'s 3 & 4 up there, well said, well said. Too bad some are going to get to find out first hand, just how good they've got it here. Sometimes though, in the long run, thats for their own good.

Since when do wrongs make right? Just because some of us have it good (because he have a job...) the threat purveying layoffs if sickening. People are getting pushed out and with no severance. RBP made (and continues to make) tons of money from the USA market with the help from the sales team and the thanks we get is "your lucky to have a job" attitude and forget you now, we are moving global and reinvesting the USA made money elsewhere. How civilized?

You are right. Lots of territorys will get downsized this year, it isnt rocket science to see what is coming if you are on a PIP. RB doesnt ever do the right thing.

Since when do wrongs make right? Just because some of us have it good (because he have a job...) the threat purveying layoffs if sickening. People are getting pushed out and with no severance. RBP made (and continues to make) tons of money from the USA market with the help from the sales team and the thanks we get is "your lucky to have a job" attitude and forget you now, we are moving global and reinvesting the USA made money elsewhere. How civilized?

Perhaps there is a reason someone is on a pip other than RB "being out to get them." How about going to work and delivering what is expected. Grow up and get some help for your paranoia.

The longer you are with the company the more you become paranoid. Especially if under PL. She always has sights on someone and they always end up on a PIP then "they don't fit the culture". It will be your turn eventually.

You don't like it, EXIT NOW. Dead wood, off with you. Lots of people would LOVE to have your job. Zillions upons Zillions.

Hell that keep complaining, find another job. I doubt you'll find one that is as good as this one...yeah every company has its drawbacks, but go out and see how working for big pharma works out for ya....If you can't pull your weight with the Film, sorry...The company has provided HUGE incentives for you to do well...and yes the launch was a bit messy, but I seem to be doing ok...what's your excuse? Bad ABM? Not enough support from the home office?? Go SELL...This is a solid medication for those that need it. I get approached a lot by patients telling me it saved their lives, but they wish it were more affordable. I tell them to talk to their docs about the savings cards...that's a pretty big chunk of savings for something that will save their lives....

Hell that keep complaining, find another job. I doubt you'll find one that is as good as this one...yeah every company has its drawbacks, but go out and see how working for big pharma works out for ya....If you can't pull your weight with the Film, sorry...The company has provided HUGE incentives for you to do well...and yes the launch was a bit messy, but I seem to be doing ok...what's your excuse? Bad ABM? Not enough support from the home office?? Go SELL...This is a solid medication for those that need it. I get approached a lot by patients telling me it saved their lives, but they wish it were more affordable. I tell them to talk to their docs about the savings cards...that's a pretty big chunk of savings for something that will save their lives....

You talk to the patients?

You talk to the patients?

oh like it's never happened to any of us....i never approach patients, ever. but patients approach me after either overhearing me talk with a doc, or seeing me carrying in stuff...i am polite and re-direct them to their happens..i was asked about the savings cards b/c a patient had heard about them or saw them in the doc's office...

In your zealous attempts to stand out, get promoted and get bigger bonuses, try not to get there at someone elses expense. Don't drop dirt bombs on your co-workers and friends. People notice this, even if you think you are being clever about it. Someone will rat you out for your behavior, trust me and once your target learns what you said about them, they will never ever forget it. If your nasty behavior, comment or whatever, ends up costing that person a relationship with their manager or another co-worker, you deserve whatever blows back on you. I know of several managers here, who have gotten away with bad mouthing people from day 1 of their existence here and its astonishing that in spite of it, they were promoted, let alone continue to remain employed here. You know who you are and guess what, many of us still out here, do too. Heres to you, getting yours and you finally getting the shit end of the stick, yourselves.

no shit! While the company has its ups and downs, some of our own managers and team members are our worst enemies. In fact the worst kind of enemy you could have, are the ones that slither behind your back. nice to your face and then sha bam, don't catch me now, they are doing the dirt dance on you when you ain't lookin. don' t be one of them and if you hear crap about someone or sit there while someone is getting shoved in front of the damn bus, get up off your lazy fat butt and SAY SOMETHING. no one, no so-called manager has the right to say anything negative about anyone, either off the record or otherwise to a non-managerial person or in front of team mates. it ain't kosher, got that?

Thats a big 10-4 little buddy. Now, about those territory issues. Just how widespread is this situation expected to go? Anybody really know? Are you wise assess just speculating or what?